Welsh Government Launches £2.5 Million Flood Relief Fund

The Welsh Government has launched a £2.5 million Flood Relief Fund which is available for Welsh businesses to apply for a grant of £2,500 to help recover from the recent storms.

The grant is available to businesses that comply with the following:

  • The business is an SME (fewer than 250 employees) based in Wales
  • The business needs to demonstrate that they have suffered severe disruption as a result of storm Ciara and/or storm Dennis and/or Jorge:
    • Directly impacted by the weather event, i.e. flood damage to the property, equipment and / or stock;
    • Indirectly impacted by the weather event, i.e. the business has had no/highly restricted access to premises, equipment and/or stock as a result of flooding; restricted access for customers, suppliers and/or staff; suffered loss of trade and have issues with regards to wages for employees.

Businesses will need to provide:

  • details of estimated affected costs to their business
  • evidence of business address (within the last 3 months)
  • photographic evidence of damage

Funding can only be used to cover costs that cannot be recovered from insurance and only one application per business. For more information and to download the relevant guidance notes and application form, please click here.

The Flood Relief Fund is open until 20th August 2020 - funds permitting.