RPW To Consider Crop Diversification Derogations Following Floods

The FUW has raised concerns regarding crop diversification requirements for complying with the greening rules as part of the Basic Payment Scheme following major flooding events since the start of the year.

As a compulsory requirement for receiving BPS payments, greening rules include crop diversification practices which, depending on the country, size of holding and land use, enforces arable farmers to grow a variety of crops during May and June or July.

Following industry representations, Rural Payments Wales have announced that they will consider any requests from farmers unable to fulfil their Crop Diversification obligations on a case by case basis. Affected farmers should submit their request, and evidence, using their RPW Online account as soon as possible.

For further guidance on the greening rules for Wales, and what affected farmers should consider when requesting a derogation from RPW, please click here.