The Farmers’ Union of Wales today called a Welsh Government decision that fences on the Brecon Beacons should be taken down - despite having been in place for 10 years - as irresponsible.

The fences, erected to help control foot and mouth disease (FMD) in 2001, divide parts of the Brecon Beacons, Vaynor and Buckland Commons.

Graziers on the land affected had applied in September 2009 for the fences to remain in place, on the grounds that they continued to be important from a disease control, animal management and environmental perspective, but the Open Spaces Society, the Ramblers and the National Trust objected.

FUW’s common land committee vice chairman Dilwyn John, who recently attended a joint meeting of the three graziers associations affected by the decision, said: “A large number of graziers attended the meeting and they were angry and dismayed by the Welsh Government’s decision.

“Taking down the fences will have a major impact on graziers’ ability to manage their flocks and the environment, and will increase the risk of diseases spreading.

“The government has ignored animal health issues and the needs of those who make a living off this land, and has sided with a tiny minority whose only interests are recreational.

“The general public have access to well over a million acres of land in Wales, yet the Ramblers, Open Spaces Society and National Trust are not satisfied. They want these fences taken down even if it means increasing the threat of animal diseases spreading and many extra long hours of work for the graziers in one of Wales’s harshest environments.”

Mr John added that claims the fences impede access and are visually intrusive were nonsense.

“There are stiles and gates at regular intervals and the fences are barely visible. When you talk to walkers in the area the fences are simply not an issue and their main complaints relate to conifer plantations.

“This is clearly a case of a tiny vocal minority being listened to by a government which has ignored the needs of local businesses. The interests of those who make a living off the land and who now rely on these fences should have been the Assembly Government’s priority.”

Mr John’s views appeared to be confirmed in a recent BBC news report in which the presenter stated that “……without a perilous climb down steep sides, it was difficult for our cameras to see [the fence]……”

“If we have another FMD outbreak as in 2001 - God forbid - new fences will have to be erected, and the government’s decision could lead directly to thousands of animals being slaughtered unnecessarily.

“The strength of feeling is running extremely high, and the graziers are currently seeking legal advice regarding their options. The FUW is committed to fighting for the rights of those who rely on these mountains to make a living.”


[caption id="attachment_4478" align="aligncenter" width="550"]FUW members meet Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire AM Angela Burns FUW members meet Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire AM Angela Burns[/caption]

Farmers' Union of Wales members in Carmarthenshire expressed their concerns at the Welsh Government's failure to drive the bovine TB eradication programme forward when they met Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire AM Angela Burns recently.

"During the meeting we were pleased to hear that Mrs Burns' views on this issue echoed our own concerns," said Ian Rickman, chairman of the union's Carmarthenshire county executive committee.

Mrs Burns told the committee she too was very concerned that the eradication programme had lost momentum.

"There was a moment in time when the Assembly overwhelmingly supported the Government, the chief veterinary officer and the scientists yet a mere 90 days later the new environment minister, who is now the person in charge of animal welfare, called a sudden halt to the programme," she said.

"It's a complete about turn and leaves the dairy farming industry in confusion and concern," added Mrs Burns, who stressed farming must be recognised as an essential business.

Mr Rickman said the union agreed that the main objective of the agricultural industry is food production and maintaining rural family life whilst caring for the environment.

"It is a specialised industry which must be protected," he added.

Mrs Burns also expressed concern that the proposed CAP reform could have a dramatic affect on Welsh farms and that the negotiations needed to be fair to all.

She feared the Welsh Government's decision to put rural affairs under a deputy minister answerable to the Minister for Business and leaving the significant challenge of animal health with the Minister for the Environment would have a damaging effect on farming.

The committee also discussed whether large dairy units were acceptable. It was felt an honest debate must be held between producers and consumers and Mrs Burns accepted that large herds in traditional village farms had to ensure their environmental management was rigorous.

Further discussion took place on a number of other topics such as ground water regulations and the requirement for wider buffer strips near water courses.

Members maintained the countryside has been shaped by farming practices over centuries and if livestock did not graze the uplands there would be a dramatic affect on the landscape.

Mrs Burns felt it was important that production and processing should be kept locally to contribute to the local economy.

Members also raised the issue of the rural road system and infrastructure. They believed funding should be made available to improve rural roads rather than finance improved links between Wales and Heathrow.


[caption id="attachment_4475" align="aligncenter" width="500"]AT THE PUMPHOUSE: From left, Lord Elis-Thomas, Emyr Jones and Tegwyn Jones. AT THE PUMPHOUSE: From left, Lord Elis-Thomas, Emyr Jones and Tegwyn Jones.[/caption]

The chairman of the Welsh Assembly's environment and sustainability committee Dafydd Elis-Thomas visited a farm in his constituency today (September 14) to see how steep slopes, fast flowing water and a 90-inch annual rainfall help generate power for the National Grid.

Dwyfor Meirionnydd AM Lord Elis-Thomas joined Farmers' Union of Wales president Emyr Jones and other union officials at Talglannau, Mallwyd, an upland family farm run by union member Tegwyn Jones, his wife Catrin and sons Guto and Huw.

In 2001, they built a 93KW hydro electric scheme on the farm which generates enough electricity for about 70 homes and they have now almost completed another 100KW scheme, which will generate electricity for 90 homes. They are also planning a third hydro scheme - a smaller 28KW facility.

Tegwyn said: "Our diversification into hydro-electric generation brings extra income to the farm and therefore enables Guto and Huw to gain employment from the holding.

"I have a passion for generating clean and renewable energy but it is often tempered by the frustrations of working through the logjam of red tape which has greatly hindered our work in developing the hydro schemes.

"Some of these frustrations include the protracted time it takes to get permission from the Environment Agency and the Welsh Government's highways department."

Tegwyn's inspiration in setting up the hydro schemes has been his great interest in the fact that many upland farms had their own schemes years ago.

His grandfather, the late Roland Evans, set up many hydro schemes in the area in the 1930s, including one to serve Dinas Mawddwy village which ran for 30 years. The whole issue of hydro schemes is, therefore, very much in his blood.

Tegwyn's first scheme has now been running for over eight years and the income it produces has given a tremendous boost to the farming operations, with minimal labour input and low maintenance. Much of the work on the power house and pipeline was done by himself with the assistance of a local contractor.

But the one big drawback is that there is no direct power connection for the family's needs. Like everyone else, they have to pay for their electricity.

The family's holdings currently extend to a total of 1,030 hectares comprising Talglannau, Braich Llwyd and Gelliddolen in Mallwyd and a further 205 acres at the recently-purchased farm known as Elgar, Bow Street, near Aberystwyth.

All of the land is farmed organically and stocking includes 750 Welsh mountain ewes and 500 Lleyn ewes. The lambs are sold through live markets or directly to Dunbia slaughterhouse.

A total of 27 suckler cows are also kept with the calves sold as stores in Dolgellau market at 18-24 months.

"Tegwyn can certainly be considered an enterprising and successful farmer and needs to be congratulated warmly on his achievement," said Emyr Jones.

Both Tegwyn and Catrin Jones also have much wider interests and contribute immensely to their local communities. He is also a well known name in bardic circles and eisteddfodau and has composed many outstanding works of poetry.


[caption id="attachment_4472" align="aligncenter" width="500"]From left are Dr McConochie, Jeremy Walker, Emyr Jones, FUW tenants committee chairman David Williams and TFA Welsh regional chairman Dennis Mathesen. From left are Dr McConochie, Jeremy Walker, Emyr Jones, FUW tenants committee chairman David Williams and TFA Welsh regional chairman Dennis Mathesen.[/caption]

Farmers' Union of Wales and Tenant Farmers Association leaders have met to discuss ways in which the two organisations can work more closely together in order to benefit the industry in Wales. 

Following a meeting hosted by the FUW at its headquarters in Aberystwyth, both FUW president Emyr Jones and TFA national chairman Jeremy Walker described the discussions between the two organisations as "extremely positive". 

"The FUW and TFA have always enjoyed an excellent working relationship and share a broad range of key objectives. It can only be of benefit to the industry in Wales for us to work more closely together for the benefit of the industry," said Mr Jones. 

"The TFA has always held the FUW in high regard and I welcome the opportunity to look at how we can work more closely together to complement each others' strengths," said Mr Walker. 

"It is clear from our discussions that the FUW and TFA share a passion to support grass-roots farming families." 

Both organisations have committed to ongoing discussions on how they can work together in the future, and it is hoped this will develop naturally over time. Mr Walker has already accepted an invitation from the FUW to address a special CAP Reform conference it is holding in Aberystwyth on Thursday October 20. 

During the meeting of the two organisations a range of other important topics to Welsh farming were also discussed including CAP reform, bovine TB, new entrants and the importance of ensuring that only genuine farmers have access to future support payments.


[caption id="attachment_4469" align="aligncenter" width="250"]Andrew Nelson,left, and Emyr Jones Andrew Nelson,left, and Emyr Jones[/caption]

The crucial importance of good quality grassland in future food production was stressed by Farmers' Union of Wales president Emyr Jones when he attended this week’s Dairy Event and Livestock Show at the NEC in Birmingham.

"It has long been recognised by farmers that grass is the cheapest livestock feed on farms and this still remains the case, particularly for grazed grass," said Mr Jones, who won the British Grassland Society's national grassland management competition in 2008.

Congratulating this year's winner of the competition - Andrew Nelson from Castle Douglas in Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland - during the Dairy Event, Mr Jones said: "Whatever production system is used, a well-managed sward will make a vital and cost-effective contribution to milk or meat production.

"Grass is a quality feed that can help dairy farmers achieve 4,000 litres plus from forage.

"Any attempt to reduce the amount of quality grassland on our farms under the latest CAP reform proposals must be vigorously opposed for the sake of food security.

"In the hill farms of Wales growing grass for grazing plays a crucial part of running our family farms profitably and it should be recognised that fertilisers are now creating a much smaller carbon footprint as suppliers make large-scale environmental improvements to their products," Mr Jones added.

Judges of the BGS competition, sponsored by DLF-Trifolium and GrowHow UK, said Mr Nelson shone out as an excellent grassland manager with clear goals and evidence of achieving them.
