Technical notes to help the agricultural sector prepare for a ‘No-Deal’ Brexit scenario offer little comfort for the farming sector in Wales, the Farmers’ Union of Wales has said.
Whilst there were some welcome elements, such as a renewed assurance that eligible beneficiaries will continue to receive payments under the terms of the UK government’s funding guarantee, any clarification on funding post 2022 is still outstanding.
Worryingly exporting businesses are urged to find out themselves what the likely changes to customs and excise procedures will be and engage with other elements of the supply chain to ensure planning is taking place at all levels.
In addition, the Government has also called on businesses to ‘consider how they will submit customs and export declarations’, suggesting it may be necessary to engage customs brokers, freight forwarders and logistics providers, or acquire the appropriate software – all of which will ‘come at a cost’.
Other recommendations include re-negotiating commercial terms to reflect any changes in tariffs.
Responding to the news, FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “What these technical notes highlight is the mammoth task at hand and how unprepared the Government still is - they keep talking about the unlikely event of a ‘no-deal’ scenario - which is certainly a possibility but still don’t actually offer any contingencies.