FUW seeks #FarmingMatters Christmas card design entries in aid of BHF Cymru

695A0413Primary school pupils from all over Wales are invited to enter a Christmas card design themed #FarmingMatters for the Farmers’ Union of Wales annual Christmas card competition.

The FUW is asking children aged from four to 11 to design a Christmas scene showing why #FarmingMatters for its Christmas cards, which will be sold to raise money for the Union’s charity British Heart Foundation Cymru.

FUW president Glyn Roberts said: “The competition is split into Welsh language and English language categories. Children can use any media in their entries, such as crayons, coloured pencils, felt tipped pens or paint, which must be completed on an A4 sheet of paper.

“The only stipulation is that it must be a Christmas card showing why #FarmingMatters. The competition was a huge success last year and we hope we can once again count on the support of our primary schools all over Wales.”

The winner of each category will receive a £30 gift voucher for themselves, a packet of the Christmas cards depicting their design, one day’s free admittance to the 2016 Royal Welsh Winter Fair to receive their prizes and a £50 cheque for their school.

The winning entries, together with a selection of other entries, will be displayed at the FUW stand during the Winter Fair (November 28-29).

The closing date for entries is Friday November 11.

The pupil’s name, age, class number, school name and home address must be included on all entries, which should be posted or delivered to the FUW, Llys Amaeth, Plas Gogerddan, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3BT, marked “Schools Competition”, or e-mailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

FUW demands considered transition

695a2300The Farmers' Union of Wales has expressed concern about uncertainties around support for agriculture in the years leading up to Brexit and beyond.

"We were very pleased to hear of early commitments from the Treasury to support agriculture," said Glyn Roberts, the Union's President.

"However, we are worried about the detail to support the statements. For example, a commitment to 2020 for CAP Pillar 1 funding could be read as March 2020 as part of the financial year 2019/20 or it could mean to the end of the financial year almost 12 months later.

“The announcement of CAP pillar 2 support until possibly 2022, which was made by the Chancellor at the Conservative Party Conference, whilst welcome, is also adding to the confusion. Such ambiguity is not welcome and does not help individuals plan their businesses. Careful and precise statements are needed now more than ever,” added Mr Roberts.

"Furthermore I am deeply concerned about the impact that a ‘hard-Brexit’ might have on agriculture.  If we do not have markets established on leaving the EU our income sources will be severely depleted.  And with some UK Ministers clearly advocating that a hard exit is the right answer, we need to ensure that there are sound and sustainable mechanisms in place to provide a soft landing for the farmers of Wales.  We cannot afford to lose markets with no additional support,” he said.

Irrespective of hard or soft exit though, the Union is also concerned about the need for longer-term transition to new regimes.

"There are many that see membership of the EU with its pros and cons as a binary event either "In" or "Out".  We must have a transition to new regimes of policy and funding to ensure that we reduce the risks to farmers in Wales," said Mr Roberts.

FUW Meirionnydd showcase benefits of Biomass and Glastir scheme

[caption id="attachment_7049" align="alignleft" width="300"]Liz Saville Roberts MP, Simon Thomas AM, Tegwyn Jones Chairman FWAG Cymru, Dewi Davies Independent Glastir Consultant, Euros Puw Meirionnydd FUW Chairman, Wyn Jones Blaen Cwm and daughter Manon Liz Saville Roberts MP, Simon Thomas AM, Tegwyn Jones Chairman FWAG Cymru, Dewi Davies Independent Glastir Consultant, Euros Puw Meirionnydd FUW Chairman, Wyn Jones Blaen Cwm and daughter Manon[/caption]

The Meirionnydd branch of Farmers’ Union of Wales, in conjunction with FWAG Cymru, hosted a farm visit on Monday, October 3, to showcase the way in which the Glastir scheme and use of a biomass boiler can benefit a farm business.

The event was hosted by 10th generation farming family Wyn and Laura Jones at Blaen Cwm farm, Cynllwyd Llanuwchllyn and provided visitors with the opportunity to see the land and stock, the various elements of the Glastir scheme, and the Biomass scheme.

Blaen Cwm is situated about 5 miles from the village of Llanuwchllyn near Bala and sits at approximately 1000 feet above sea level, with much of the land reaching far beyond 2000 feet.  The farm has been in the Glastir Entry scheme since 2014 and in the Advanced scheme since 2015.

[caption id="attachment_7052" align="alignright" width="300"]Arwyn Jones demonstrates the use of the wood mizer mobile saw bench Arwyn Jones demonstrates the use of the wood mizer mobile saw bench[/caption]

The family farm extends to 640 acres, being mostly mountain land with 50 acres of lower land, and 25 acres are kept to produce silage every year. Additionally they farm 650 acres at Llanymawddwy and a 300 acre farm near Llawryglyn at Llanidloes.

Guests enjoyed a tour of the farm as Glenda Thomas of FWAG Cymru and Dewi Davies Independent Glastir Consultant gave a detailed explanation of various elements of the Glastir scheme and Greame Raine of ‘Raine or Shine’ Renewable Energy specialists gave a presentation on the Biomass scheme. In addition Robin Roberts gave a demonstration of his hedge laying skills.

[caption id="attachment_7056" align="alignleft" width="300"]Students from Ysgol y Berwyn, Y Bala with their Lecturer John Thomas who are are following a BTEC level 3 course in Agriculture joined the farm visit Students from Ysgol y Berwyn, Y Bala with their Lecturer John Thomas who are are following a BTEC level 3 course in Agriculture joined the farm visit[/caption]

A guest speaker on the day was Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Climate Change and Rural Affairs, Mid and West AM Simon Thomas, who said: “Farmers are custodians of the countryside and the sustainability of agriculture is also reliant on the effective management and protection of water, soil and biodiversity. Plaid Cymru will work with the industry and others to develop innovative ways in which RDP funded agri-environment measures such as Glastir can help deliver public benefits and look at ways in which to encourage greater co-working between farmers and conservation bodies to deliver practical, realistic and positive benefits to environmental management in Wales.

“While the Party of Wales did not support leaving the EU, we have moved quickly to respond to referendum by consulting on future policies for rural Wales. This farm visit was an important part of the consultation to listen to the views of the farming sector about the way forward to achieve the best possible outcome for rural communities across Wales.”

Local MP Liz Saville Roberts also attended the visit and added: “I was very pleased to attend this farm visit, which was in a really fascinating location. It is a great example of a young farmer making the best of all opportunities, and being positive in the face of the inevitable challenges ahead with Brexit. It was good to see his entrepreneurial spirit, and that he is looking into the long term with new initiatives, which must be supported. I wish him all the best with his enterprise for the future.”

[caption id="attachment_7050" align="alignright" width="150"]Simon Thomas AM Plaid Cymru spokesperson on Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs at the Welsh Assembly speaking at Blaen Cwm farm Simon Thomas AM Plaid Cymru spokesperson on Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs at the Welsh Assembly speaking at Blaen Cwm farm[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_7051" align="alignleft" width="150"]Liz Saville Roberts Meirionnydd Dwyfor MP speaking at Blaen Cwm farm Liz Saville Roberts Meirionnydd Dwyfor MP speaking at Blaen Cwm farm[/caption]

Huw Jones, the Union’s County Executive Officer in Meirionnydd said: “ Wyn is an enthusiastic and hardworking farmer, always looking for the next idea or opportunity to increase the farm's income. It was interesting to see how the farm business has taken advantage of agri-environment schemes over recent years, and how farming and conservation go hand in hand here.

“Wyn Jones showed us the wood chipper in progress and his father Arwyn Jones demonstrated the use of his mobile saw bench - the saw mill business they run is great, especially as they have the facilities to dry the timber as well. They established the Biomass scheme in 2014 and the energy produced provides heat for 2 domestic properties and the agricultural shed.

“I would like to thank the family for hosting this informative visit and hope that those who attended enjoyed the day as much I did. I would also like to thank the pupils from Ysgol y Berwyn, Y Bala studying  BTEC level 3 course in Agriculture, who attended with their Lecturer John Thomas.”

[caption id="attachment_7054" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Glenda Thomas of FWAG Cymru and Dewi Davies Independent Glastir Consultant explaining various elements of the Glastir scheme Glenda Thomas of FWAG Cymru and Dewi Davies Independent Glastir Consultant explaining various elements of the Glastir scheme[/caption]

FUW warns farmers to be on the lookout for thieves following stolen cattle

The Farmers’ Union of Wales is reminding farmers across Wales to be vigilant following the report of stolen cattle worth £16,000 in the Carmarthen area.

Union member Mr and Mrs T Williams of Bronallt Farm, Llangadog, reported the theft of a 4 month old calf, 3 in calf heifers and 11 suckler cows to Dyfed Powys Police on Friday, September 30.

David Waters, the FUW County Executive Officer in Carmarthen, said: “I urge all farmers to take note of anything suspicious they may see happening in the countryside and report it to their local rural crime officer immediately. As the days get shorter this time of year, some may fancy their chances and steal livestock and farm machinery, which has devastating consequences for our farm businesses and is of course also extremely stressful for the families.”

Mr Waters stressed that farmers should enrol in the Farm Watch Scheme and the OWL system (http://www.owl.co.uk/index.htm ), under which any reports of suspicious vehicles or persons can be reported and forwarded to other members of Farm Watch.

“It is only by uniting and co-operating that the whole farming community can combat such farm thefts. Anyone who has information about the theft of Mr Williams cattle should contact PC Gareth Thomas (PC711), providing case number AA0/0711/29/09/2016/01/C as a reference.”

FUW urges members to respond to Nitrate Vulnerable Zones consultation

The Welsh Government is currently consulting on the four yearly review of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZs) in Wales and the Farmers’ Union of Wales is urging its members to respond, given the financial implications imposed on those who live in designated areas .

As stipulated in the EC Nitrates Directive, Defra, the Welsh Government, and Natural Resources Wales, have undertaken a review of the existing NVZ areas in Wales, and are  assessing if any new areas need to be designated.  The Union, has been involved in the review and has made its concerns clear over the past months, but stresses that all farmers need to make their voice heard through the consultation.

FUW Senior Policy Officer Dr Hazel Wright, who has been representing the Union in the review process, said: ‘‘The FUW has been involved in the NVZ review and has made successful representations on several designations, which resulted in their removal from the discrete areas option of the consultation.

“However, the number of proposed new designations remain a concern and the FUW continues to reiterate the operational and financial impacts those designations would have upon farms that reside within an NVZ area.  Given such costs, there must be full justification for any proposed increases in designation.”

Two options outlined in the consultation include the continuation of the discrete approach to designation or the designation of the whole of Wales as a NVZ. A continuation of the discrete approach would see an increase in the amount of NVZ designations in Wales rise from 2.4% to 8%. This would mean significant changes to NVZ designation in counties such as Pembrokeshire, Carmarthen and Anglesey.

“The FUW remains resolutely against the option to apply the action programme throughout the whole of Wales as this would require all landowners to comply with the NVZ action programme measures.

“There is a distinct lack of evidence for a whole territory approach and the difficulties and costs associated with regulatory compliance for farms whose land does not drain into nitrate polluted waters, makes this option both unwarranted and unreasonably excessive,” added Dr Wright.

There are a number of proposals put forward in this consultation which will seriously impact farmers in Wales and the FUW is therefore urging members to respond to this consultation through the Union’s successful county office structure in order to ensure that farmers’ views are thoroughly represented.

FUW Ceredigion celebrates World School Milk Day with Ysgol Henry Richard pupils

[caption id="attachment_7025" align="alignleft" width="300"]Ysgol Henry Richard Year 10 and 11 Agriculture pupils join FUW Ceredigion County Executive Officer Mared Rand Jones and FUW Press Officer Anne Birkett in the World School Milk Day Ysgol Henry Richard Year 10 and 11 Agriculture pupils join FUW Ceredigion County Executive Officer Mared Rand Jones and FUW Press Officer Anne Birkett in the World School Milk Day[/caption]

The Ceredigion branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales today provided free milk drinks to children at Ysgol Henry Richard, Tregaron, Ceredigion in celebration of the 17th World School Milk Day.

The Union and pupils joined countries around the world highlight the health benefits of school milk programmes and over 170 pupils enjoyed a cup of Welsh Milk in their break time.

FUW Ceredigion County Executive Officer Mared Rand Jones said: “It’s very important that we as an industry go to schools to promote agriculture and educate the next generation about how their food is produced.

"Milk and dairy products have an important part to play in our daily diet as they provide an important source of protein and calcium and contain essential vitamins and minerals, all of which are needed for a balanced diet.

“Indeed, the exclusion of dairy products from the ‘sugar tax’ demonstrates the role such products play in a healthy diet.”

[caption id="attachment_7026" align="alignright" width="225"]Ysgol Henry Richard Year 8 pupils Tirion Lloyd and Bonnie Woodcock are part of the World School Milk Day Ysgol Henry Richard Year 8 pupils Tirion Lloyd and Bonnie Woodcock are part of the World School Milk Day[/caption]

With an increasing amount of research into milk as a recovery and re-hydration aid, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting milk may be just as effective in these areas as some sports or other energy drinks.

“Milk can definitely help pupils stay hydrated and keep their energy levels up in class and it is a much healthier option than some of the sugary drinks available. I would like to thank Ysgol Henry Richard head teacher Dorian Pugh and all the staff for their support today and look forward to work with the school in educating pupils about farming matters and where their food comes from,” added Mared Rand Jones.

[caption id="attachment_7027" align="alignleft" width="300"]Ysgol Henry Richard head teacher Dorian Pugh and FUW Ceredigion County Executive Officer Mared Rand Jones are highlighting that #FarmingMatters on World School Milk day Ysgol Henry Richard head teacher Dorian Pugh and FUW Ceredigion County Executive Officer Mared Rand Jones are highlighting that #FarmingMatters on World School Milk day[/caption]

Ysgol Henry Richard head teacher Dorian Pugh commented: “As a school, we are very happy to be able to work with the FUW in order to promote World School Milk Day. At Ysgol Henry Richard we understand the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and drinking milk and the pupils really enjoyed meeting Mared and Anne from the FUW and having a glass of milk. We look forward to working with the FUW in the future.”
