FUW holds successful talks with politicians at Pembrokeshire County Show

Members and officials of the Farmers’ Union of Wales engaged in successful discussions on  issues of concern with local politicians Stephen Crabb MP, Simon Hart MP and Paul Davies AM at Pembrokeshire County Show.

High on the agenda was the current beef price crisis and members made their views clear that a drop of 64 pence a kilo between April 2013 and June 2014 was unsustainable and that the recently announced Russian import ban was likely to further exacerbate the problem.

“We urge the UK government to also look at the Irish and Polish imports which are currently flooding our market and the practices of the supermarkets as the price of British beef for the consumer has not fallen to reflect the current market price which we are receiving.

“The current beef price crisis coupled with the 15% loss of CAP monies is putting Welsh farmers at an unfair disadvantage,” said FUW Pembrokeshire county chairman Hywel Vaughan.

Members further raised the issue of labelling and packaging, making it clear that it was still not easy for consumers to make a quick informed decision about the origin of their meat when purchasing.

Other issued discussed included the impact of bovine TB on individual businesses, the new greening regulations under the CAP and the superfast broadband rollout.

Speaking at the show, FUW Pembrokeshire county executive officer Rebecca Voyle said: “We need the  Welsh Government to make allowances for farmers making genuine errors in 2015 on their single applications forms and during the year as the introduction of the new scheme will see some significant changes the full details of which have yet to be provided to the industry.

“Further to this farmers are increasingly being expected to complete their paperwork online; for example application forms for the new Glastir Organic and Glastir Advanced schemes will only be available online. Whilst we are aware that Superfast broadband is being rolled out in Pembrokeshire there are still nine rural areas in the county without any or very poor broadband which have not yet been allocated a start date for installation, which is a concern.”

[caption id="attachment_3054" align="aligncenter" width="640"]From left: FUW vice president Richard Vaughan, Stephen Crabb MP, Simon Hart MP, FUW Pembrokeshire county chairman Hywel Vaughan and FUW Pembrokeshire president John Savins From left: FUW vice president Richard Vaughan, Stephen Crabb MP, Simon Hart MP, FUW Pembrokeshire county chairman Hywel Vaughan and FUW Pembrokeshire president John Savins[/caption]

FUW reveals speakers for autumn conference

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has today revealed its speakers for its upcoming autumn conference themed ‘Joint ventures in farming – myth breaking and match making’ - to be held at the William Davies Conference Hall, IBERS, Aberystwyth, on Wednesday October 15 .

“In a bid to explore all aspects of succession, addressing the conference will be Duncan Montgomery of Whittingham Riddell chartered accountants on the subject of tax and financial planning, Euryn Jones of HSBC bank will provide a view on the range of joint venture opportunities from the banks’ point of view, Nerys Llewelyn Jones of Agri-Advisor is looking at the range of ventures and legal aspects of succession, Malcolm Thomas of JCP Solicitors explores how industry and government can support young entrants through initiatives such as the Young Entrants Support scheme and Tony Evans of The Andersons Centre will speak on his experiences of advising and supporting  joint venture farming contracts,” said FUW younger voice for farming committee chairman Darren Williams.

“In addition to the range of speakers we will also be holding a number of workshops facilitated by Kathryn Lewis and James Neame of Davis Meade Property Consultants on succession planning and the practicalities, Charles Coats of Charles Coats Associates Ltd will look at opportunities for succession on local authority estates, Gail Lewis of Agri-Advisor will explore the range of available opportunities in joint venture farming and Tony Evans of The Andersons Centre will host a session on how to make the best possible match.

“This conference aims to put the spotlight on succession, which is often a taboo subjects for farming families. There are plenty of young enthusiastic people who wish to enter the industry so we hope to clear up  some of the myths and preconceptions about joint venture farming to help those who have not yet planned their future and who may be interested in more information on the options available to them,” added Mr Williams.

FUW president Emyr Jones said the conference was the start of a process for the union, which aimed to encourage farmers to look at ways in which their land will be farmed in the future, whilst offering them security and access to support.

“We would like to extend a warm welcome to all those interested in learning more about joint venture farming and urge you to book your space for the conference by contacting your local county executive officer or the FUW press office on 01970 820820,” said Mr Jones.

FUW’s ‘wooden horse’ race night for children’s hospices a great success

Farmers’ Union of Wales Glamorgan and Gwent branches enjoyed a hugely successful wooden horse race night in aid of union president Emyr Jones' charity fund for children’s hospices T? Hafan and T? Gobaith and Wales Air Ambulance.

Over 200 people attended Saturday’s event (August 30) at FUW member Lorraine Howells' Cwm Carno Farm, near Rhymney, which featured six wooden horses  auctioned off before the start of each race with the winners proceeding to a grand final.

“This was the second time the union has held this event at Lorraine’s farm and we are delighted that we have managed to raise £ 3,500 for these great charities and money is still coming in,” said FUW Glamorgan county executive officer Rachel Saunders.

“All the races were sponsored by local businesses and guests enjoyed a lovely cold meat supper including roast ham, beef, pork and a wide selection of salads. Many of the volunteers also donated an excellent variety of cakes and desserts which went down extremely well with the guests,” said Mrs Saunders.

“I would like to thank all the sponsors, volunteers and of course guests who made this event such a success and who have travelled from all over Wales to support us,” said Miss Howells.

“I would also like to extend a special thank you to FUW Gwent county executive officer Glyn Davies who provided a huge amount of help and support in setting up the race track as well as the bar for the evening and kindly used his sheep sales skills to auction the race horses and provide commentary for the races,” added Miss Howells.

[caption id="attachment_3046" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]FUW staff and volunteers preparing the cold meat supper FUW staff and volunteers preparing the cold meat supper[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_3047" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]FUW ladies enjoying the wooden horse race FUW ladies enjoying the wooden horse race[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_3048" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Children of all ages had a great time at the wooden horse race night Children of all ages had a great time at the wooden horse race night[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_3049" align="aligncenter" width="512"]FUW Gwent county executive officer Glyn Davies auctioning off wooden horses FUW Gwent county executive officer Glyn Davies auctioning off wooden horses[/caption]

FUW stalwart honoured for services to Welsh Agriculture

Glamorganshire beef and sheep farmer and long standing South Wales special member of the Farmers’ Union of Wales finance and organisation committee Lorraine Howells was honoured by the union at her farm in the Rhymney valley when she was presented with the FUW's gold medal for services to the union and agricultural in Wales on Saturday (August 30).

FUW president Emyr Jones, who presented the medal, said: “Lorraine has been a member of the FUW for around 40 years. Her commitment and service to the union has been of tremendous value and we thank her for all she has done. I have no doubt that we can still count on her support for years to come.

“She has been a hardworking and conscientious member of the FUW and many standing committees and during this time we have recognised that Lorraine speaks her mind passionately and strongly, but constructively.

“She served as the union’s Glamorganshire county vice chairman from 1989 to 1991, county chairman from 1991 to 1995 and was elected as South Wales member of the central finance and organisation committee in 2000 before being elected vice president in June 2011.

“Lorraine chaired the FUW’s central common land committee for over ten years and is a past vice chairman of the central hill farming and marginal land committee.

“Recently she was elected president of the Welsh Black Cattle Society and her successful and renowned butchers shop Cig Mynydd Cymru, which she set up seven years ago with five fellow breeders in the Rhymney Valley, is testimony to her commitment to the farming industry.”

Miss Howells, who farms Cwm Carno Farm, Rhymney, a hill farm extending to 220 acres mostly of reclaimed opencast land with common grazing, has been farming since 1974 at first in partnership with her grandparents, and then on her own.

Cwm Carno farm carries a suckler herd of pedigree Welsh Black cattle and South Wales Mountain ewes and has been in the family for over 100 years.

Miss Howells took early retirement from teaching at the local comprehensive school in 1997 to devote more time to farming.

[caption id="attachment_3041" align="aligncenter" width="576"]Presenting the FUW's gold medal for services to the union and agricultural in Wales to Miss Howells is FUW president Emyr Jones Presenting the FUW's gold medal for services to the union and agricultural in Wales to Miss Howells is FUW president Emyr Jones[/caption]

Productive discussions with deputy minister at FUW president’s farm

Farmers’ Union of Wales officials and staff held a productive meeting with deputy minister for agriculture and fisheries Rebecca Evans on union president Emyr Jones’s farm near Bala yesterday (August 28).

Mr Jones, who farms beef and sheep at Rhiwaedog farm with his two sons, said: “It was pleasure to host this meeting with the deputy minister to show her first hand a working family farm and to have the opportunity to discuss a range of issues in depth, including the recently announced changes to the definition of moorland under the next round of pillar one of the common agricultural policy, the opportunities we have to shape the programmes under the new rural development programme and the importance of succession and new entrants in ensuring the future of  family farms in Wales.”

The deputy minister was given a tour of the farm which extends to 360 acres, with a further 200 acres of rented land, and carries a herd of 60 Pedigree Welsh Black Suckler Cows and 1200 breeding sheep.

Rhiwaedog has won several awards over the years, including awards by the Grassland Society, the Royal Welsh Show Farm Buildings Facilities Awards, and the Snowdonia National Park Society Farming and Landscape Award.

The main achievement was in 2008 when the farm won the British Grassland Societies National Grassland and Management competition in Wales, and thereafter won the competition throughout the UK.

“We have held a number of productive meetings with the deputy minister over the summer and are pleased that Welsh government has listened carefully to our concerns and amended the classification of moorland to reflect the botanical composition of the sward and we hope that this positive co-working will continue during the development of the next rural development plan.

“The industry is facing an unprecedented level of change and upheaval over the next few years as the new payment regime is rolled out. Many farms will have to find new ways to make up the shortfall in income resulting from the changes and we underlined to the deputy minister the importance of a fair market return for our products and the need for farmers to be able to maximise their returns from the rural development programme.

“This is a positive example of how we as an industry can work together with government reaching practical solutions which are fair to agriculture and our farmers,” added Mr Jones.

[caption id="attachment_3038" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]It’s a family affair at Rhiwaedog farm with FUW president Emyr Jones, his sons Aled and Dylan, grandson Caron and deputy minister for agriculture and fisheries Rebecca Evans It’s a family affair at Rhiwaedog farm with FUW president Emyr Jones, his sons Aled and Dylan, grandson Caron and deputy minister for agriculture and fisheries Rebecca Evans[/caption]

Volunteers needed for FUW Wales Coast Path challenge

Farmers’ Union of Wales members and friends are planning to cover all 871 miles of the Wales Coast Path during a huge sponsored walk to raise funds for children’s hospice charities T? Hafan and T? Gobaith.

The challenging event will take place on Saturday and Sunday September 13 and 14 when teams of union members, staff and friends will embark on various walks along the whole length of the Wales Coast Path in an effort to boost funds for both charities which have been chosen for FUW president Emyr Jones’ 2014 charity appeal.

Mr Jones said: “More than £11,000 has already been raised since the appeal was launched earlier this year and we hope to boost the fund by taking on this exciting task.

“The idea of covering every section of the Wales Coast Path is a huge challenge and we are looking for volunteers who can help us cover the miles on foot and offer support to our walkers. I have no doubt that, with the enthusiasm and support of union staff, members and friends, it can be achieved.

“Walks have been organised for all sections of the coast path, varying in length from three to 16 miles, and we require about 90 teams to help us meet our target.

“We invite anyone willing and able to join us for this exciting fundraising event to let their local FUW county office know as soon as possible. Pre-registration is essential due to the nature of the event,” said Mr Jones.

For further information and to pre-register for the event please contact your local FUW county office or the union's press office on 01970 820820.
