Intentions to pay for the maintenance of SSSI sites through the SFS welcomed

Following the third meeting of the Ministerial Roundtable held (23 July) at the Royal Welsh Show, the Welsh Government has confirmed its intentions to pay for the maintenance of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) as part of the Universal Baseline Payment through the Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS).

Speaking after the meeting, FUW President Ian Rickman said: “We highlighted in our comprehensive consultation response earlier this year that some farms are almost entirely categorised as SSSI and would therefore be placed at a severe disadvantage compared to other producers across Wales if they were unable to access maintenance payments.

“The initial proposals would have resulted in the perverse effect of penalising those farming what have been categorised as Wales’ most precious land.

“While some fundamental questions remain around the payment methodology and capacity within Natural Resources Wales to issue management agreements for SSSI sites, we welcome the efforts made by the Welsh Government to address how the SFS can work alongside the regulatory requirements of the Wildlife and Countryside Act.

“We are committed to the work of the three Welsh Government groups in working through elements of the scheme in turn, and we certainly see this as an important step forward,” concluded Mr Rickman.

What does a food secure Wales look like? FUW asks and researches the question

FUW research into Wales’ food security shows that the UK’s reliance on food from other countries has nearly doubled since the mid 1980s. 

40 per cent of UK food is now imported compared with around 22 per cent in the mid 1980s. Worryingly, around 20 per cent comes directly from ‘climate impact hotspots’.

That is the backdrop to the Farmers Union of Wales’ seminar at the Royal Welsh Showground at 11am on Tuesday 23 July. The FUW is asking a panel of policy experts, who also farm themselves, to debate what Welsh farmers' role is in a Food Secure Wales.  

Should we be focusing on feeding our local communities? Do we have a global responsibility to food security in light of climactic and political pressures worldwide? Or should we be positioned as the high quality and environmentally sustainable option for consumers? 

Joining panel chair, Dai Miles, Deputy President of the FUW, will be Land Workers Alliance, Holly Tomlinson; Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales Head of Sustainability and Future Policy, Rachael Madeley-Davies and previous senior livestock buyer for Dunbia, HCC board member and current FUW Farmer Director, Wyn Williams.

FUW Deputy President, Dai Miles said: “This panel discussion gives us the opportunity to  highlight issues like the UK’s reliance on imports of ‘indigenous food’ that we can produce ourselves such as beef, lamb and dairy. It has increased five fold in recent years, from 5 per cent to 25 per cent. In terms of food miles, this is ironically and evidently, foolish.

Furthermore, the Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit report that “UK trade statistics show that 16% of our food imports, worth £7.9 billion, came directly from nations with low climate readiness last year, i.e. those that are not only exposed to climate impacts, but also lack capacity and preparedness to adapt and respond.”

FUW Deputy President continued: “We already know that the former Westminster government sold us short when we left the EU. We need a far more robust approach to trading blocs and future trade deals with other countries if we are to protect Welsh food production in rural Wales, the economy and UK food security. These trade deals also threaten our ability to reach key climate and biodiversity targets by undercutting Welsh producers.

“Food imports and exports must be subject to the same customs and adhere to similar standards if we are to provide a level playing field for both UK and EU producers. Otherwise, we risk offshoring our environmental footprint as well as threatening our own self-sufficiency.

“FUW research shows that food waste continues to be a growing problem for society. If it were a country, food waste would be the third highest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world. With 309 million people facing chronic hunger in 72 countries, food production and security has to be at the top of world leaders’ agenda,” Dai Miles concluded.


FAW Cymru women’s head coach joins FUW in inspiring women in football and farming event

What does football and farming have in common here in Wales? Both begin at grassroot level, both are the fabric of many rural communities and both are placing women at the forefront of sports and agriculture in the 21st Century.

At a special event at FUW’s pavilion on the Showground this week [2pm, Tuesday 23 July] Cymru Women's National Team manager, Rhian Wilkinson joins our very own, FUW Insurance Officer, Danielle Walker who also plays for Berriew FC. The debate will be chaired by Caryl Roberts, FUW group business development manager to discuss how sports and agriculture’s attitude towards women has changed in recent years. 

Taking on the role of Cymru manager back in February this year, Rhian Wilkinson has herself had a successful professional career as a player and coach in Canada and the United States. 

Her Welsh bloodline comes from her Welsh mother, but part of Rhian’s childhood was spent growing up in South Wales. Her mum lobbied for a more inclusive sports policy at her former primary school in Bontfaen 25 years ago, as football was not available for girls at the time. A true role model for Rhian, who is now herself a female ambassador to young players, we look forward to hearing more about Rhian’s career, her Olympic Games and World Cup experiences.

Danielle Mills, a Berriew Football Club player feels honoured to sit with the Cymru women head coach at this event. An Insurance Officer for FUW in Montgomeryshire, Danielle shares her experiences of playing football and her work in the agricultural industry within a rural area, Danielle will offer an insight into how both industries have developed in recent years and given women more opportunities.

Rhian Wilkinson said: “I’m delighted to attend this FUW event at the Royal Welsh Showground this week. I’ve been to the show several times in the past and I’m very proud of my family’s Welsh farming history. 

"I’m keen to discuss the FAW’s strategy of recognising the importance of football at grassroots level and the investment we’re looking at in facilities and resources to support clubs to grow and develop.  

“We know that this can make a huge difference to communities, many of whom the football club is the only remaining community asset. Football can bring the community together, it gives a sense of belonging, similar to the farming community. Both can help improve people’s health and mental well being whilst also contributing to a vibrant and sustainable rural Wales. 

“Football and farming are both essential threads in the fabric of Welsh society. Each contributes a huge amount to local communities, the economy, the Welsh language, culture and heritage. Both also form a part of the national picture and put Wales firmly on the world stage.”

Navigating a Changing Political Landscape: FUW sets out its key priorities at the Royal Welsh Show

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has set out its robust asks of the UK and Welsh Governments despite the challenges presented by navigating through a constantly changing political landscape.

Speaking at the Royal Welsh Show this week, FUW President Ian Rickman reiterated the fact that the Union’s stance remains constant and relentless in an ever changing political arena.

“Welsh farming is at an important crossroads which will determine our future for decades to come. Whilst our direction of travel depends heavily on the development of devolved agricultural policies, we must not forget how decisions made by the newly elected UK Government will effectively determine the degree of funding the Welsh Government has available to support agriculture and rural development.

“This, in turn, will have an impact upon the extent to which Welsh food producers can be expected to compete against producers in other UK nations and across the globe on various levels.

“Despite these challenges, our focus as a Union is to keep-on lobbying governments relentlessly for the best possible outcomes for our members, Welsh agriculture and our rural communities.

“The recent Senedd Cabinet reshuffle and UK General Election certainly brought about considerable change to the political landscape in Wales, not least the appointment of Huw Irranca-Davies MS as Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and a new UK Labour Government holding a majority at Westminster.

“However, turmoil in Cardiff persists as Vaughan Gething’s resignation leaves the door wide open for yet another reshuffle within a matter of a few months.

At a UK level, the FUW is calling for a fair, multiannual funding settlement of £450 million per year in EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) legacy funding for agriculture and rural development in Wales.

“The role of this support in underpinning food production, environmental protection and rural communities in Wales cannot be underestimated.

“We also need to see a far more robust approach to future trade deals with other countries and trading blocs if we are to protect Welsh farmers and UK food security. Food imports and exports must be subject to the same customs and adherence to similar standards if we are to provide a level playing field for both UK and EU producers.”

The FUW is calling for incentives and support for farmers to invest in on-farm renewable energy production that benefits local communities. Food production should be recognised as a national asset and the use of productive agricultural land to meet tree planting and other environmental targets should be halted.

Procurement policies must prioritise public sector support for Welsh and British businesses, recognising the range of benefits such properly designed policies can deliver for society. The newly elected UK Labour Government must also protect and promote the UK’s high animal health and welfare standards and bring in a law that ensures that all dogs should be kept on a lead in fields near or adjacent to livestock.

“Despite the uncertainty in Cardiff, we call on the Welsh Government to build strong relations with the newly elected UK Labour Government to ensure that Welsh agriculture receives the attention it deserves. EU CAP legacy funding allocated for Welsh agriculture and rural development must be protected for this purpose and such funding should continue to be co-funded using national funds.

“The ongoing process of negotiating a revised Sustainable Farming Scheme that provides stability for our food producing family farms must also continue if the scheme is to be implemented in 2026. It is crucial that the scheme considers economic, social and environmental sustainability on equal footings and is accessible and achievable for all active farmers in Wales.

“We also want to see the adoption of practical and innovative technological solutions as a central part of the Control of Agricultural Pollution ‘NVZ’ Regulations review. The process must be based on robust data and evidence while seeking to address water quality issues through innovation rather than regulation.”

Mr Rickman added that the Welsh Government has to, now more than ever before, adopt a scientific and holistic approach to bovine TB eradication in Wales by working with the Technical Advisory Group in investigating the effectiveness of current testing regimes and methods for addressing disease transmission by wildlife.

“Finally, moves towards net zero must be sustainable and based on robust science in such a way that actions carried out in response to short-term targets are not reversed. Reducing our carbon footprint must be manageable and realistic, and must not compromise production or the economic viability of farming businesses.

“The coming days are a celebration of Welsh agriculture and the farmers who continue to produce high quality food and protect the environment against a constant backdrop of political uncertainty and challenge.”

Mr Rickman said that the impacts of such uncertainty across the UK and some fundamental policy questions would be the focus of the FUW’s seminars being held over the coming days, as panels of professionals tackle a diverse range of areas of concern for Welsh farming.

“As always, in addition to these events, our staff and Presidential Team will be meeting officials and stakeholders in order to highlight FUW’s farming members' good news stories and industry concerns. Rest assured, despite navigating a constantly changing political landscape, our constant and relentless stance remains; to represent the interests of Welsh farmers,” concluded Mr Rickman.

FUW welcomes continued support schemes and data confirmation exercise for 2025

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has welcomed the provision of support schemes to help bridge the gap until the Sustainable Farming Scheme is implemented, in addition to the much needed continuation of the Basic Payment Scheme as lobbied for by the Union to ensure stability for Wales’ family farms. 

The Habitat Wales Scheme (HWS) will once again be open for applications from farmers with identified habitat on their land. Habitat Wales Scheme Commons agreements can be extended, Farming Connect provisions are extended, and the Organic Support Payment will be maintained for 2025. A new Integrated Natural Resources Scheme will support partnerships to deliver ‘nature-based’ catchment scale solutions over the next three years.

A voluntary data confirmation exercise will be launched next week and run until 6 December 2024. The aim is to allow farmers to confirm the correct habitat type, area and tree canopy cover on their farms.

Local FUW offices will be supporting members with this process, and members are encouraged to undertake the data confirmation exercise this autumn as a precursor for the Single Application Form and HWS in 2025. The Welsh Government has emphasised that confirming (or amending) the habitat cover on farms is not a scheme declaration nor a commitment to manage the habitat in line with scheme prescriptions at this point.

Commenting on the announcement, FUW President Ian Rickman said: “While we were robust in our criticism of the HWS mapping issues and significantly reduced payment rates, we do welcome the continued use of RPW Online for this mapping exercise.

“This is due to concerns around the potential costs of having to physically survey individual farms, which would have vastly reduced the financial support available to farmers in future. However, it remains vital that farmers managing their land for environmental improvements are paid fairly for their commitments, over and above income foregone and costs incurred, and the budget allocations for these schemes must reflect this.

“We continue to work through elements of the Sustainable Farming Scheme in turn as a member of the Welsh Government Roundtable, Carbon Sequestration and Officials groups. We share the Cabinet Secretary’s vision of delivering a sustainable farming industry - sustainable in every sense of the word - that continues to produce food to the highest standards and supports thriving rural communities and the Welsh language.”

Welsh Government must continue to listen to Welsh farmers as SFS consultation response published, says FUW

Commenting on the Welsh Government’s response to the final consultation on the Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS), FUW President Ian Rickman said: “Welsh Government must continue to listen to Welsh farmers as the summary of responses to the latest SFS consultation is published today. The industry’s voice has been loud and clear and it has been a challenging process to get this far for everyone involved.

“It comes as no surprise that the consensus from the mammoth 12,000 farmers and organisations who responded to the consultation calls for significant changes to the scheme proposals.

“This was also the clear message from our members who responded individually, and fed their views into the Union’s comprehensive consultation response earlier this year. We are leaving no stone unturned in our efforts to make this scheme work for farmers.

“We welcome the remarks made by the Cabinet Secretary today as he commits to introducing the scheme only when it is ready. This needs to be an agricultural support scheme that provides stability for our food producing family farms in Wales and considers economic, social and environmental sustainability on equal footings. As a Union, this remains our ultimate goal.”

The written statement by the Cabinet Secretary refers to the on-going work of the SFS Ministerial Roundtable, Carbon Sequestration and Officials groups in reviewing and implementing the scheme, in partnership with the farming unions and other stakeholders.

The FUW welcomed the announcement that the SFS will not begin until 2026 and that a preceded preparatory phase will take place next year.

“There is an intense body of work being undertaken by the FUW with the Cabinet Secretary, stakeholders and Welsh Government officials, with extremely important discussions having taken place.”

President, Ian Rickman, concluded: “FUW members can rest assured we are doing our utmost to negotiate a scheme that works for all farmers in Wales from 2026 onwards. This remains our commitment to Welsh farmers.”
