FUW and Ofcom discuss broadband and mobile services availability in rural Wales

The future of Wales’ communications networks and how they will compare to the best in Europe are some of the questions that will be discussed on the third day of this year’s  Royal Welsh Agricultural Show (Wednesday July 23) when the Farmers’ Union of Wales and Ofcom host a discussion group with a panel of industry experts.

FUW deputy president Glyn Roberts, who is delighted the union is once again hosting this event at the Royal Welsh Show, said: "This is the third consecutive year at the show that the FUW has collaborated with Ofcom in providing a platform for discussion on the wide ranging communications issues facing rural Wales.

"The FUW has campaigned relentlessly over the years for improved broadband and has fully supported the Superfast Cymru initiative from the outset.

"We regard reliable and fast broadband essential for rural communities and businesses to develop. It is now a requirement for farmers of all ages to use computer technology for their online business and social transactions and, naturally, they demand and require the fastest connections available.

“Online IACS, BCSM online and the incoming EID are just a few examples that farmers throughout Wales require reliable and fast internet connections for, so as a union we cannot stress the fact enough that more needs to be done to help rural communities and farm businesses by providing them with the essentials that every twenty-first century business needs.”

Joining ITV’s political editor Adrian Masters to discuss the availability of broadband and mobile services in rural Wales on the discussion panel will be Aberconwy MP Guto Bebb, BT programme director for Superfast Cymru Ed Hunt, Ceredigion AM Elin Jones, internet service provider Xwavia’s finance director Dafydd Wyn Thomas and Ofcom’s Wales director Rhodri Williams.

“It promises to be a lively discussion and one of great importance to those living in rural Wales. There is widespread agreement that reliable and speedy communications are necessary components to allow individuals and businesses to participate fully in the digital age and we look forward to discussing this on Wednesday,” said BT programme director for Superfast Cymru Ed Hunt.

“Broadband is widely regarded as a fourth utility and recognising that, governments in Westminster and Cardiff have invested heavily to ensure widespread roll-out of what is labelled as “superfast broadband”.

“The installation of hundreds of miles of fibre optic cable between telephone exchanges and cabinets across Wales is due to complete by spring 2016, but even that is forecast to leave 4% of the premises in Wales with connections of less than 24 megabits per second, or in some cases, no connection at all.

“The other component of a modern communications landscape is widespread mobile coverage. When conducting the auction of 4G spectrum on behalf of the government, Ofcom imposed a coverage obligation of 95 percent of premises in Wales on the winner of one of the lots,” added Mr Hunt.

For more information please contact Elinor Williams, Ofcom Wales on 029 20467 217 (0788 198 7188) or FUW finance controller Wyn Lewis on 07720879257.

FUW sponsors Eisteddfod prose medal

This year’s National Eisteddfod prose medal and the £750 prize money - sponsored by the Farmers’ Union of Wales’ Carmarthenshire branch and offered for a volume of creative prose of no more than 40,000 words - will be presented on Wednesday August 6 at 4pm at the eisteddfod in Llanelli (August 2 -9).

“We are honoured to sponsor this year’s prose medal to be presented during one of the Gorsedd ceremonies, when the Archdruid will lead proceedings on the pavilion stage, which is very popular among Eisteddfodwyr,” said FUW Carmarthenshire county executive officer David Waters.

“We are also looking forward to hosting a wide range of activities at the FUW Eisteddfod stand this year and to welcoming union members, non-members and friends for a cup of tea and chat,” added Mr Waters.

[caption id="attachment_2989" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]From left, David Waters and FUW Carmarthenshire county chairman Brian Richards hand over the prose medal and £750 prize money to Carmarthenshire National Eisteddfod executive committee chairman Gethin Thomas From left, David Waters and FUW Carmarthenshire county chairman Brian Richards hand over the prose medal and £750 prize money to Carmarthenshire National Eisteddfod executive committee chairman Gethin Thomas[/caption]

FUW welcomes positive meeting with new minister

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has described meetings with newly appointed Welsh Government minister for natural resources and food Edwina Hart and deputy minister for agriculture and fisheries Rebecca Evans as extremely positive and productive.

Speaking after the meeting last Friday (June 11) FUW president Emyr Jones said: “At the top of the FUW’s agenda was the issue of communication, both with the industry as a whole and those who are elected to represent it.”

Mr Jones acknowledged that the relationship between the previous minister and the farming industry had been difficult over recent years, and that the chance to start afresh was therefore welcome.

“There was mutual agreement that we need to work together for the good of the industry, whilst respecting our different roles and those differences of opinion which do exist.

“However, when it comes to the majority of issues I believe we share the same overarching views, and working together has been shown to have major benefits over the past two years, not least in terms of developing the RPW Online system.”

Issues covered during the meeting included concerns over any long term plans to split the environmental brief away from agriculture, Wales’ 2014-2020 Rural Development Plan, and the question of implementing an Area of Natural Constraint scheme.

“We also discussed our mutual enthusiasm for supporting young entrants, but emphasised the importance of ensuring any training provided through the RDP is meaningful and represents value for money.

“We will be meeting both the minister and deputy minister again over the coming weeks, and look forward to a positive relationship which is underpinned by mutual respect,” added Mr Jones.

[caption id="attachment_2986" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]FUW president Emyr Jones, CLA Welsh policy committee member Rory McLaggan, agriculture and fisheries deputy minister Rebecca Evans and NFU Cymru president Stephen James FUW president Emyr Jones, CLA Welsh policy committee member Rory McLaggan, agriculture and fisheries deputy minister Rebecca Evans and NFU Cymru president Stephen James[/caption]

FUW hails Supreme Court ruling on a Welsh agricultural wages panel

The UK Supreme Court's decision to back the Welsh Government's bid to set up its own Agricultural Wages Board (AWB) to protect the incomes of thousands of Welsh agricultural workers was applauded by the Farmers' Union of Wales today.

"We wholeheartedly welcome this judgement because we have consistently supported the retention of the AWB as it has an important role in determining the pay and conditions of service which reflects the unique labour requirements of the agricultural industry, particularly in Wales," said FUW agricultural education and training committee chairman Alun Edwards.

"Agricultural workers have to be flexible in their working arrangements to cover busy periods, fine weather and unsociable hours but this type of flexibility is not covered by general employment law.

"Therefore, I believe there is a vital role for minimum rates of pay for agricultural workers and we hope the Welsh Government will now reconsider its approach towards zero-hours contracts in the light of the Supreme Court's positive judgement."

FUW seeks early talks with new deputy farming minister

The Farmers' Union of Wales said today it is looking forward to working with the new Welsh Government ministers with responsibilities for agriculture, fisheries and food and will be seeking early talks with them.

Following natural resources and food minister Alun Davies's sacking this morning, the First Minister Carwyn Jones reallocated agriculture fisheries and food to business minister Edwina Hart who will be assisted by a new deputy minister for agriculture and fisheries, Mid and West Wales AM Rebecca Evans.

FUW president Emyr Jones said: "Obviously, we are disappointed that the portfolio has been split again, although we welcome the fact that farming gets a dedicated deputy minister for agriculture. We have worked with Rebecca Evans in her role on the Sustainability Committee and she represents a predominantly rural area.

“As profitable farming and a sustainable environment are interlinked we also look forward to working with culture and sport minister John Griffiths who has received the environment policy brief.

"We will now seek to meet the new deputy minister as soon as possible to ensure that work on the range of outstanding CAP issues does not lose momentum," he added.

FUW conference explores joint venture farming

Joint ventures in farming are often surrounded by myths and uncertainty as farmers remain concerned about succession and the future of their farms, delegates will discuss at the Farmers’ Union of Wales’ annual autumn conference.

In a bid to tackle the issue the conference - to be held at the William Davies Conference Hall, IBERS, Aberystwyth, on Wednesday October 15 - will explore all aspects of succession.

“Based on the theme ‘Joint Ventures in Farming - myth breaking and match making’, the conference will feature presentations, workshops and feedback sessions, each focusing on different aspects of  joint ventures, including  the types of ventures available and the legal and financial aspects of succession with industry leading experts,” said chairman of the union’s younger voice for farming committee Darren Williams.

“Succession is often one of the most taboo subjects for farming families and whilst there are plenty of young enthusiastic people who wish to enter the industry this conference is aimed more at those who have not yet planned their future and who may be interested in more information on the options available to them.”

FUW president Emyr Jones said the conference is the start of a process for the union, in which it aims to encourage farmers to look at ways in which their land will be farmed in the future, whilst offering them security and access to support.

“We would like to extend a warm welcome to all those interested in learning more about joint venture farming and urge you to book your space for the conference.”



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