FUW looks forward to 30th Royal Welsh Winter Fair

The Farmers’ Union of Wales is looking forward to a busy Royal Welsh Winter Fair (Monday 25 - Tuesday 26 November) with plenty of #FarmingMatters chats and a warm welcome to the Union’s stand guaranteed.

Those visiting the FUW stand, which is located next to the main show ring, can enter the annual Christmas hamper competition by filling in a short survey, and staff are on hand to discuss the Union’s response to the Welsh Government ‘Sustainable farming and our Land’ consultation response and the Union’s General Election manifesto. 

Speaking ahead of the event, FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “Time has flown by and I can hardly believe that the Winter Fair is just around the corner again. 

“This fantastic event should help get everyone in the festive spirit and I look forward to catching up with many of you at the FUW stand over a cup of tea and mince pie. 

“Our staff and officials are on hand to discuss any questions you may have about #FarmingMatters, including Bovine TB rules, future farm policy in Wales and of course the Union’s key asks of the next UK Government. A warm welcome is guaranteed to all.”


FUW urges shoppers - support your local businesses this Christmas

The Farmers’ Union of Wales is urging shoppers to keep their Christmas shopping local to show support for rural and local businesses.

FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “As we speed towards Christmas, I would like to urge you to think about your rural businesses and see if you can buy local, either for the upcoming Christmas dinner or even gifts for family and friends.

“Speak to your local butcher about meat for the Christmas period and see what your local farm shop has to offer - I promise you will find many of the ingredients you need for your Christmas dinner right on your doorstep. 

“There are also plenty of small shops around that offer Welsh craft and locally designed gifts and of course the choice for local food gifts is aplenty. It really is worth having a look. These are small decisions we can make that will have a big impact on our rural economy.

“A pound spent locally will go much further than a pound spent in a chain store and it keeps our rural economies going. By supporting our local businesses we don’t help a CEO buy a third holiday home but we help a local mum and dad put food on the table, a family pay their mortgage, a little girl get those dance lessons and a little boy get his favourite team shirt.” 


Ceredigion farmers get chance to ask critical questions at hustings

Farmers in Ceredigion will get a chance to question local prospective MPs ahead of the General Election at a hustings organised by the Farmers’ Union of Wales and Ceredigion YFC.

The event, which is open to all, is held on Wednesday 4 December at Lampeter Rugby Club starting at 7.30 pm.  

Confirmed candidates include  Ben Lake - Plaid Cymru, Mark Williams- Liberal Democrats, Dinah Mulholland - Labour, Chris Simpson - Green Party Amanda Jenner - Conservatives and Gethin James, Brexit party.

The hustings will be chaired jointly by Morys Ioan, FUW Ceredigion County Chairman, and Endaf Griffiths, Ceredigion Young Farmer of the Year.

Speaking ahead of the event, Morys Ioan said: “This is an excellent opportunity to question the candidates on all #farmingmatters and so much more. It is very important that we make informed decisions when we take to the polls in a few week’s time and I hope many of you will be able to join us.”



FUW Supports Alternative Method For Ageing Sheep At Slaughter

The Farmers’ Union of Wales’ has welcomed a UK Government consultation which would see an alternative method of ageing sheep at slaughter but warns that further delay to implementation would be unacceptable.


The consultation proposes to allow a cut-off date to be used when ageing sheep as an alternative to the current method of ageing by dentition.  In sheep, ageing by dentition is deemed inaccurate as incisors can develop anywhere between 9 months and 15 months of age.   

FUW sets out post-Brexit proposals in Sustainable Farming Consultation response

The Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW) has responded to the Welsh Government’s consultation on post-Brexit rural support by proposing a framework and dynamic farm support system that takes full account of all Welsh Wellbeing Goals, National Wellbeing Indicators and other Welsh objectives.

The Welsh Government had proposed in its Sustainable Farming and our Land consultation - the deadline for which was 30 October - that future farm and rural support should be focussed on the United Nations’ definition of ‘Sustainable Land Management’, and that this should be the objective of a future policy.

FUW Caernarfon AGM to discuss future of farming

The Annual General Meeting of the FUW’s Caernarfonshire County Branch will be held at Caernarfon Golf Club, on Wednesday 6 November at 7.30 pm. 

The main topic of the evening will be Sustainable Farming and addressing the issue are Dr Prysor Williams from Bangor University and Nia Williams from Natural Resources Wales.  Also present will be FUW President Glyn Roberts, who will provide an update on the Union’s activity. 

FUW Caernarfon County Chairman Dafydd Williams said: “We look forward to an informative evening, which I’m sure will provide much food for thought. I do hope that many of you can join us.”

The event is sponsored by HSBC and the FUW is looking forward to welcoming Bryn Edmunds on behalf of the bank.

“The meeting will be held in Welsh, but you are more than welcome to bring a friend along with you to the meeting that will be able to translate for you,” added Mr Williams. 

Light refreshments will be served at the end of the meeting. 

If you intend coming to the AGM please contact the county office by Monday 4 November on 01286 672541.  


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Email: post@fuw.org.uk
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