FUW President highlights stark contrast between EU and UK agri discussions


FUW President Glyn Roberts has raised concerns over the stark contrast between discussions taking place within the UK on the future of agriculture and equivalent EU discussions on the continent - highlighting worrying differences between recognition of the importance of common standards and support for farming.

Speaking shortly before Wales’ First Minister, Carwyn Jones delivered his keynote address at the FUW’s Annual General Meeting in Aberystwyth, Mr Roberts told delegates that the principles of providing a fair standard of living for farmers and securing a stable supply of affordable food had been key elements of both Labours 1947 Agriculture Act and the 1957 Treaty of Rome.

“The latest Euro Barometer survey reveals that providing a fair standard of living for farmers and securing a stable supply of safe, healthy high quality food are still considered priorities by the public, not only across the EU, but also here in the UK,” said Mr Roberts.

Snowdon 6 challenge just a few days away

There are just a few days to go before the Farmers’ Union of Wales is embarking on its Snowdon 6 challenge, in aid of its President’s charities - Alzheimer’s Society Cymru and The Farming Community Network.

With excitement building all over the country, Senior Account Executive at FUW Insurance Services Ltd,  Gwion James, who is leading the arrangements, said:

“The current weather forecast for Friday is good, this will help us enjoy a good day together and hopefully enjoy the fabulous views of Snowdonia.

“At the end of the walk we look forward to a BBQ, which will be prepared at Llyndy Isaf and I hope everyone has a great and safe time completing this gruelling challenge.”

Following in the footsteps of the drovers

By Angharad Evans, Y Tir Welsh Editor

The trouble caused by the 'Beast from the East' and storm Emma at the beginning of March is now a distant memory as we enjoyed the warmest early May Bank holiday on record, according to the meteorological office. Everyone has welcomed some dry and warm weather and finally we’ve seen signs that the grass is growing and some normality returning to the land.

The destination for us on the hottest day of the year so far was Llanybydder mart, and when loading the trailer first thing, I thought how easy it is to transport animals from one place to the another without any hassle. But it wasn’t this easy years ago!

Without a stock trailer or lorry, how could animals go to the market?

FUW reminds farmers - keep an eye out for your ‘Preliminary Checks Letter’ 2018

Farmers are being reminded to keep an eye out for a ‘Preliminary Checks Letter’ from the start of June, as Rural Payments Wales will be undertaking initial checks on submitted Single Application Forms to identify any differences between what has been declared compared to their mapping database, and also to check if any of the land that has been declared has been declared by another claimant.

FUW Stresses Need to Maintain Processing Capacity in Wales Following Arla Restructure

The Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW) has said that the closure of an Arla creamery plant, which will affect more than 90 jobs, is a major blow for employees and their families and a worry for Welsh milk producers.


Arla revealed this week that its dairy site at Llandyrnog in Wales would be closed as part of a £400 million pound restructure. This most recent closure in Denbighshire is the latest in a number of such closures throughout Wales over the last decade.

FUW Reacts to Anti-Dairy Childhood Obesity Plan

The Farmers’ Union of Wales is warning that the recommended fiscal measures outlined in the Commons Health Committee Childhood Obesity Plan could have detrimental and far-reaching implications for the Welsh  dairy sector.


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