Royal Assent for Agriculture Bill clears way for dangerous impacts on rural communities says FUW

The Farmers’ Union of Wales says the newly passed Agriculture Act could open the door to devastating impacts on farming and rural communities if the UK Government does not place food security and the wellbeing of farming families and rural communities at the centre of policy development.

The Act, which received Royal Assent yesterday (November 11), outlines how future support for English farmers will be delivered as the UK leaves the EU's Common Agricultural Policy, while also setting out legislation relating to a broad range of agricultural and rural issues of relevance to Wales and the UK - including granting temporary powers to Welsh Ministers until a Welsh Agriculture Bill is brought forward.

FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “We have welcomed the inclusion in the Act of a requirement for a report to be presented to parliament focusing on the impacts future trade deals could have on agriculture. 

“However, this is certainly not the red line preventing substandard food imports that farmers, environmentalists, animal rights campaigners and millions of members of the general public lobbied for.”

Mr Roberts said that the focus of the Act on ‘public payments for public goods’ was a major concern for FUW cross-border members with land in England.

Take advantage of free sheep scab testing, FUW urges members

News that examination of skin scrape samples from sheep showing suspect clinical signs of sheep scab is being offered free of charge in Wales, by the APHA and funded by the Welsh Government, between 2  November 2020 and  31 March 2021, has been cautiously welcomed by the Farmers’ Union of Wales.

The scheme will aid accurate diagnosis, which is a prerequisite for appropriate treatment and successful control of sheep scab, which is a priority of the Wales Animal Health and Welfare Framework.

Furthermore, the scheme will also encourage sheep farmers to work with their veterinary surgeon to protect their flocks from sheep scab.  As well as accurate diagnosis for controlling the disease if it occurs, good flock biosecurity is essential to keep it out. 

FUW deputy president Ian Rickman said: “It is extremely disappointing that the industry endorsed programme for the eradication of sheep scab, which was set to receive £5.1million from the Rural Development Programme last year, has been put on ice. 

FUW webinar puts spotlight on Ash Dieback

The Anglesey branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales is hosting a webinar on Ash Dieback, which is open to all members of the Union. The event will be held on Zoom on Thursday 19 November at 7pm. 

Jacob Milner, Ash Dieback Coordinator for Anglesey County Council will be giving a talk to provide more detail about the symptoms, how to spot the signs, what action to take, and also the landowners responsibilities if they have received a notice from the local authority.

FUW Anglesey County Executive Officer Alaw Jones said: “The disease is being discovered on many trees on the island of Anglesey and there seems to be a big lack of knowledge in how to deal with it. We are therefore encouraging members to join us for this free event to find out all of the essential information needed.” 

To book your place at the webinar, members need to contact the Anglesey County Office on 01248 750 250 or via email on  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Cautious welcome given to UK Government decision to extend Trade and Agriculture Commission role

The Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW) has given a cautious welcome to the decision to extend the role of the Trade and Agriculture Commission and place it on a statutory footing, describing it as a welcome step towards addressing concerns over substandard food imports.

The UK government announced on November 1 that it had decided to extend the commission past its previous fixed term and give it a more active role through a new legislative underpinning, to be reviewed every three years.

Under the new plans, the commission will produce a report on the impact on animal welfare and agriculture of any free trade deal negotiated by the UK government after the end of the EU transition period, which will be laid in Parliament before the start of the 21-day scrutiny period under the terms of the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act.

The commission was originally set up in July 2020 to provide advice on trade policies the UK Government should adopt to secure opportunities for UK farmers, while ensuring the sector remains competitive and that animal welfare and environmental standards in food production are not undermined, but was due to be disbanded at the end of the year.

Deadline looms for BPS Support Scheme applications, FUW reminds members

Those farmers who have submitted an application for the Basic Payment Scheme via the Single Application Form (SAF) 2020 are being reminded by the Farmers’ Union of Wales, that time to apply for a BPS 2020 Support Scheme payment is running out, with the application window closing on Friday, 27 November.

The scheme will pay a loan of up to 90% of the business’ anticipated BPS claim value from 7 December to successful applicants whose full BPS claim is not processed for payment by 1 December. As this is an opt in scheme, farmers have to apply for the loan through their RPW Online account.

FUW Pembrokeshire CEO Rebecca Voyle said: “It is expected that the loan payments will be made during the week starting 7 December 2020 and all BPS loan payments will be made direct to farmers bank accounts.”

The loan value paid to farmers will be a maximum of 90% of their estimated 2020 BPS payment, which will be based on the area declared for BPS on the SAF 2020 and the number of payment entitlements held on 15 May 2020.

“I would like to urge all eligible farmers to consider making an application before the deadline as there will be no further opportunity to apply for a BPS loan after the 27 November.

“If you have any questions about completing your BPS Loan application you can either contact RPW’s Customer Contact Centre on 0300 062 5004, or your local county office,” added Mrs Voyle.
