Remember, remember - livestock and pets don’t like 5th November

With bonfire night fast approaching and official displays cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions, the Farmers’ Union of Wales is urging people to remember the distress fireworks and sky lanterns can cause to livestock and pets and reminds them of the dangers posed by bonfires.

“Official firework and bonfire displays have of course been cancelled this year due to the Covid-19 restrictions and we therefore call on people to stick to the firework safety code at all times, to minimise the risk to livestock, pets and humans,” said FUW Deputy President Ian Rickman.

“This time of year poses many dangers to animals and children – so don’t let negligence and ignorance be the cause for a real-life horror,” he added.

Animals in general are not fond of the noise of fireworks and can become quite anxious during this time of year. Therefore, the FUW urges people to be considerate and not let them off near livestock.

“It is also a good idea to make sure that your pets have been micro-chipped by a vet and that the details on the chip are up to date prior to bonfire night, just in case they go missing,” said Ian Rickman.

It is also advisable to give neighbours a few days notice of your firework display, particularly if they are elderly, have young children or pets. 

“We also remind people that sky lanterns have been banned on all public land by all councils across Wales, as they pose significant dangers to livestock and are, of course, a considerable fire safety risk,” he added.