Changes to Cross Compliance rules for 2022

The vast majority of Cross Compliance rules continue to apply as in 2021. The Welsh Government has updated the fact sheets and associated sections of the Verifiable Standards for 2022 to reflect changes in requirements, good practice and to clarify wording:

SMR 4: food and feed law. Minor changes to clarify wording of requirements.
SMR 6: pig identification and registration. New guidance on tagging pigs for export included. Contact details updated.
SMR 7: cattle identification and registration. New guidance on tagging cattle for export included.
SMR 8: sheep and goat identification. New guidance on tagging sheep and goats for export included. Requirement to retain movement documents updated.
SMR 10: restrictions on the use of Plant Protection Products (PPP). Clarification of PPP definition and retained EC provisions. Contact details updated.
GAEC 6: maintenance of soil and organic matter. Link to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) guidance updated.

All of the associated documents can be found here: