Irish Food and Drink Imports to the UK increase in 2022

Figures released by the Irish government show that food exports to the UK have increased significantly in 2022 reaching €5.4 billion, a near €1 billion year on year increase. In total a record €16.7 billion worth of food, drink and horticulture products were exported from the Republic last year, up 22% or €3 billion on the previous year with 32% exported to the UK as the largest single market. 34% was exported to the EU and the remaining 34% to international markets.

The increase in food and drink exports can be attributed to both increased unit prices, due to inflation and rising input costs, and an increase in the volume of goods exported. The value of exported food and drink to the UK increased across most categories.

Prepared Consumer Foods to the UK saw a 14% increase in value to €2 billion led by value added beef and poultry, bakery, confectionery and meal solutions. Exports of Irish Dairy to the UK increased by 39% to €1.2 billion with cheese and butter the top performers accounting for 50% of exports. Exports of Irish beef to the UK increased 15% to reach €1.1billion, 43% of total Irish beef exports. Irish Sheepmeat increased 15% year on year to €78 million, driven in part by some of the major Irish lamb processors also having facilities in the UK and seeking to optimise utilisation of their operations. Irish Horticulture exports to the UK increased by 3% in 2022 to €276 million with mushrooms accounting for half of this value. Irish Drinks saw a 4% increase to €276 million.

With the UK now operating outside of the European Union customs union, there had been concern in Ireland about possible barriers to trade however the figures for 2022 would suggest that those fears were unfounded. To help Irish food and drink businesses exporting to the UK, Irish food marketing agency Bord Bia said it continues to invest strongly in consumer insight studies and market intelligence.