Nematodirus Forecast service

APHA is assisting the Sustainable Control of Parasites in Sheep (SCOPS) with the production of a Nematodirus Forecast service. 

Nematodirosis is a particularly nasty disease in lambs, causing a high number of mortalities and stunting the growth of many others. It is caused by the Nematodirus battus worm, which has a different lifecycle to other sheep worms. Under certain climatic conditions it can strike very quickly, with little or no warning.

The SCOPS Nematodirus Forecast has been active since late February. The forecast map is updated daily, using data from 140 weather stations (provided by the Met Office), tracking changes in risk throughout the spring and early summer. 

The interactive Google map allows farmers and advisers to select the nearest or most representative weather station, and it then provides advice on how to relate the predicted risk to their farm, treatment options, and possible management actions. Sheep farmers should consult their vet or adviser regarding local risks and treat lambs if they are deemed to be at risk.

 For more information and to use the Nematodirus forecast service visit: