FUW welcomes passing of Agriculture (Wales) Bill

The Agriculture (Wales) Bill has been passed at Stage Four by the Senedd. The landmark Bill gained Senedd approval at the final scrutiny stage on 27th June as representatives of the FUW watched from the public gallery.

The FUW has remained firm throughout the Bill’s journey that a number of improvements should be made - not least making the economic viability of agriculture and family farms a key objective in order to maintain a truly sustainable farming industry. 

While the union believes that the Bill could have gone much further, it has been pleased with many of the amendments accepted, most of which cover areas on which the FUW lobbied.

Once it receives Royal Assent, this landmark legislation will prove a framework for future agricultural support in Wales, and the FUW maintained from the introduction of the bill that the economic viability of agricultural businesses and family farms should be a clear Sustainable Land Management objective in the legislation.

While the FUW would have liked to have seen changes go further, it is grateful to all those Senedd Members who worked with the Union to move the Bill to include recognition of economic viability and who helped secure other important changes such as requiring a multiannual financial plan.

The Union remained disappointed that amendments tabled to explicitly include support for new and young entrants were unsuccessful, as in order to have a sustainable, thriving industry, doors must be opened to new entrants.

However, this does not mean young and new entrants are excluded under the legislation, and a recently accepted amendment facilitates options to support such individuals and businesses.

This legislation is incredibly important for the Welsh agricultural industry and is the first time Wales has been able to legislate in this way.

The final consultation for the Sustainable Farming Scheme, which will be implemented under the Agriculture (Wales) Act,  is expected at the end of the year.

The FUW will continue to engage with the Welsh Government and Senedd Members to ensure the voices of Welsh family farms are heard in this crucial policy development.