Free bale temperature testing

Mid and West Wales Fire & Rescue Service (MAWWFRS) have recently had an increase in the numbers of barn fires across the service area following the dry spell in May and June and the amount of hay that has been made.

In an effort to reduce the numbers of fires on farms and to raise awareness of the range of free services that MAWWFRS offer to the Farming community, they have compiled an article to highlight the FREE Bale Temperature Testing Service that is available.

Farmers with concerns regarding the temperature of their bales can contact MAWWFRS to request a free check of the temperature and moisture content using specialist equipment. 

Depending on the readings, MAWWFRS will then work with the farmer to formulate a plan to manage the risk of spontaneous combustion.  To book a free visit, please call 01268 909 404.

If bales are smouldering or on fire, call 999 immediately.

For more information and advice visit:

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