New rules on Ammonium Nitrate Sales

The Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC) is warning farmers that from 1st October 2023, photo identification will be required when purchasing ammonium nitrate (AN) with a nitrogen content of more than 16%.

Changes in the law have introduced new substances into the list of explosives precursors and poisons and this applies to compounds, blends and mixtures such as NPK fertiliser containing ammonium nitrate above the nitrogen content threshold.

The photo ID provided can be for anyone working for the farm business who is authorised to make the purchase.

The person making the sale must obtain the following from the business customer

  • the business customer’s name and address. If the business customer is not an individual, the name of an individual who is authorised on behalf of the business customer should be recorded;
  • a form of photographic identification of the business customer or, if the business customer is not an individual, of the individual making the purchase;
  • a statement of the nature of the business customer’s trade, business or profession, or of the public function that the business customer performs; and
  • the business customer’s VAT registration number, if the business customer has such a number.