Woodland Creation Schemes now open for applications

Two Woodland Creation schemes are currently open and will close on the 15th September 2023. The two schemes are the Woodland Creation Grant (WCG) and the Small Grants – Woodland Creation (SGWC).

Changes have been made to both schemes for this window. These include:

  • Increased payment rates in line with 2023 costs
  • Mandatory pre-application assessment with NRW Woodland Programme team for all applicants
  • Surveys based on pre-application recommendations
  • Payment for deer fencing

To be able to apply for the WCG:

(For SGWC there are online questions to generate a woodland creation plan)

There is a short booklet - Woodland creation grants: guidance that has been updated to reflect the changes. The booklet outlines the grants available for woodland creation and provides links for further information. The Welsh Government has also produced a comparison leaflet to demonstrate the recently increased payment rates.

Further windows for 2024 will be announced in due course.