Woodland Schemes – Application Windows

In 2024, there is a new approach to the Woodland Creation Grant. There will only be one window open from 4 March 2024 until 22 November 2024, or until the budget has been allocated. The Small Grant – Woodland Creation scheme will continue to have several windows throughout the year:

  • three in 2024, and
  • one planned in 2025 if budget is agreed for 2025/26 financial year

The Woodland Creation Grant grant provides financial support for creating larger areas of woodland or small areas not suitable for the Small Grants - Woodland Creation Scheme.

The scheme provides funding for the planting of trees and the installation of fencing and gates.

It also offers 12 years of maintenance and premium payments (compensation for loss of agricultural income).

Small Grants – Woodland Creation is a scheme aimed at farmers and other land managers to encourage planting of small areas of trees on land which is agriculturally improved or low environmental value in Wales.

Funding is available for tree planting to create shelterwoods, alongside watercourses, and in field corners or small fields for stock shelter, biodiversity and woodfuel. Small Grants – Woodland Creation also offers 12 years of payments for Maintenance and Premium payment in respect of the new planting.  Livestock and deer fencing and gates for public access are also included.