Calls for Welsh Flocks to join RamCompare genetics project

The UK’s leading progeny test for terminal sire breeds, RamCompare is currently calling out for commercial sheep farms across Wales to join the project and support its drive to improve sheep genetics across the country.

RamCompare is jointly funded by Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) and AHDB and works with partners across the supply chain to drive faster rates of genetic improvement in the UK sheep industry.

The project provides data from commercial farms and abattoir records for genetic evaluations, delivered by Signet Breeding Services.

The new farms will join the project ahead of the 2024 mating season and will remain involved for two breeding seasons. The flocks will need to meet a set of criteria including keeping a minimum of 300 uniform breeding ewes and have a known flock health status.

If you are interested in joining the RamCompare project you can download the application form by clicking here and return the form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Friday 3rd May 2024.