Welsh Government guidance on Pre and Post movement testing requirements for bovine TB

Updated guidance has been published on the Welsh Government website regarding the changes to Pre and Post movement TB testing requirements introduced on 1 February 2024. 

All cattle moving from an unrestricted holding in Wales need to have had a clear PrMT within the 60 days before the move. This is unless the animal is under 42 days of age, or the movement is exempt. 

Clear PrMT results are valid for 60 days (or 30 days for moves to Scotland), from the date of injection of the skin test, which is day zero of the 60 day period. The day after the injection is day one and so on. Cattle leaving the farm must have a valid PrMT on the day the cattle move off. If the movement is via a market, the cattle must have a valid PrMT on the day the cattle leave the market.

Calves under 42 days old (i.e. 41 days or less) do not require a PrMT.

Revised general licences are also available where exceptions to the requirements are permitted.

For more information:

Bovine TB: pre-movement and post-movement testing | GOV.WALES

Bovine TB: pre and post movement testing summary | GOV.WALES

Bovine TB and moving cattle (licences) | GOV.WALES