News in Brief January 2025

New CEO announced to lead Hybu Cig Cymru 

HCC has announced José Peralta as their new Chief Executive.

José brings with him a wealth of experience having worked for over 25 years in the UK meat industry at Managing Director level. Past roles include working as Managing Director of the UK’s second largest red meat business

under the ownership of Grampian Country Food Group, Vion, and 2 Sisters Food Group, as Managing Director of Tulip Food Company, and Chief Operating Officer of Puffin Produce, based in Pembrokeshire.

José Peralta will take his new role on Monday, 20 January 2025.

Denmark to introduce carbon tax on agriculture

In November the Danish Parliament voted in support of the Green Tripartite Agreement in its entirety. The agreement will come into force in 2030 and is aimed at enabling Denmark to meet its target of cutting 70 percent of its total emissions by that year.

From 2030 farmers will have to pay 120 Danish krone (€16) per ton of emitted CO2 equivalent, rising to 300 krone (€40) from 2035 onwards.

The agreement will direct 43 billion Danish kroner (£4.8B/€5.8B) to buy land from farmers and convert it into forests, with a plan to plant a billion trees on agricultural land in the next two decades.

Antibiotic usage in agriculture remains low

The latest Responsible use of medicines in agriculture alliance (RUMA) Targets Task Force Report was launched in November showing that antibiotic use remains low and long-term surveillance shows resistance is reducing and sitting at an all-time low.

The latest report highlights that 2023 was yet another year of great effort and commitment from across UK livestock sectors in the responsible use of antibiotics. National usage figures remain low and largely unchanged from last year.

UK antibiotic sales for food-producing animals have reduced by around 60% since 2014.