Remember, remember - livestock and pets don’t like 5th November


With bonfire night fast approaching, the Farmers’ Union of Wales is urging people to remember the distress fireworks and sky lanterns can cause to livestock and pets and reminds them of the dangers posed by bonfires.

“We call on people to stick to the firework safety code at all times, especially over the bonfire and Halloween season, to minimise the risk to livestock, pets and humans,” said FUW Policy Officer Charlotte Priddy.

“This time of year poses many dangers to animals and children – so don’t let negligence and ignorance be the cause for a real-life horror,” added Mrs Priddy.

Animals in general are not fond of the noise of fireworks and can become quite anxious during this time of year. Therefore, the FUW urges people to be considerate and not let them off near livestock.

Livestock worrying leaves Glamorgan farmer devastated

A series of devastating livestock attacks, have left one Glamorgan farmer close to breaking point. Ben Jones, who runs a 65 acre tenant sheep farm on the outskirts of Hensol in the Vale of Glamorgan with his wife Julia, lost nearly a fifth of his stock due to dog attacks.

The couple, who have a five-month old daughter, spent years building up their farming business but are now close to giving it up completely. Ben initially started renting land in Dyffryn where he encountered two of his sheep being killed by a dog and the stress of the attack causing most of his flock to abort their lambs.

“The field had a footpath going through it and many people use it to walk their dogs. Finding my sheep like that was just devastating. I don’t understand why those walking in the countryside just can’t keep their dogs on a lead. These attacks were so unnecessary,” said Ben Jones.

Wanting to avoid any further incidents, he started renting land on an annual tenancy in Hensol in May 2015 but has since then had three separate attacks on his sheep there.

FUW Anglesey branch organises welly walk fundraiser

The Anglesey branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales has organised a welly walk to raise vital funds for the R.A.B.I. Anglesey Committee.

The hour long walk will take place on Friday, November 3 and is starting at 10.30am from Holyhead Breakwater Country Park.

FUW calls for common sense on diesel

Government moves aimed at tackling problems caused by diesel pollution should be targeted at improving technology and areas where problems exist, rather than a broad brush approach that penalises rural communities, the Farmers’ Union of Wales has said.

The FUW Land Use, Livestock and Hill Farming Committees agreed in separate meetings that problems identified by health experts in areas of high diesel engine use should be recognised and addressed.

FUW members visit cutting edge dairy nutrition business

Members of the Farmers’ Union of Wales enjoyed a visit to cutting edge dairy nutrition business Volac in West Wales, on the eve of the Welsh Dairy show (Monday 23 October).





Optimal Dairy Systems - is there a way to Brexit-proof your business?

A seminar organised by the Farmers’ Union of Wales has provided an opportunity for Welsh dairy farmers to come together and air their views on a recently published AHDB paper which outlines the need for ‘optimal dairy systems’ in the British dairy sector.  
