U-Turn on NICs increase for self-employed welcomed by FUW

[caption id="attachment_7792" align="alignleft" width="198"] FUW President Glyn Roberts[/caption]

The announcement that plans to increase National Insurance Contributions (NICs) for self-employed people have been dropped, is welcome news for the farming community, according to the Farmers’ Union of Wales.

The increase as proposed in the Chancellor’s Spring Budget, would have hit the low and middle earning self-employed and as the majority of Welsh family farms are classed as such, the measure would have done little to support rural businesses.

Today, Chancellor Philip Hammond has said the government will not proceed with the increases which were criticised for breaking a 2015 manifesto pledge.

In a letter to Tory MPs, he said: "There will be no increases in... rates in this Parliament."

Responding to the news, FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “Common sense has prevailed and we welcome the U-turn on the proposed increase in NICs.

“This increase would have hit farmers across the UK badly, and that at a time when they are already having to cope with an increase in business rates, which of course is devolved to Wales. Add to that the uncertainty around future agricultural support and those making a living from agriculture are not being put in the most favourable financial conditions. We therefore thank the Chancellor for revoking this nonsensical increase.”

FUW shows support for Swansea Community Farm

[caption id="attachment_7788" align="alignleft" width="300"] FUW President Glyn Robert and Mark Williams MP at Swansea Community Farm[/caption]

Farmers’ Union of Wales President Glyn Roberts re-visited Swansea Community Farm (SCF) to once again see the multi-award winning project for himself and drum up support for the Fforestfach site, in an attempt to help save the Farm from closure.

The visit was arranged by the Welsh Liberal Democrats and the Union President joined Mark Williams MP, and Cllr William Powell, who is currently the Welsh Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Rural Affairs, Agriculture and Energy.

The Farm is again facing closure unless it can get support from the public and businesses of Swansea and raise £50,000 before the end of March. They are seeking £25,000 through a Crowdfunding campaign and a further £25,000 from other sources including grants, government and business.

This money will enable the Farm to continue for 6 months during which time it will look to develop partnerships with larger organisations that share its aims of reconnecting people with their food, their environment and each other.

Founded in 1998, the farm has been an accredited Agored Cymru training centre since 2012.
As a working farm they have always aimed to reconnect people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities with their food, their environment and each other and do this through a range of unique and exciting educational, volunteering, training and play projects.

FUW President Glyn Roberts, who has previously visited a 90-acre Woodlands Farm, on the borders of Greenwich and Bexley, and which is the largest city farm in Europe, is well aware of the benefits of having a city farm accessible to the local community.

He said: “Farming and the countryside is embedded in our Welsh heritage and it is a pleasure to see how the SCF are engaging with the public by offering cookery training in the volunteer built café, through school and college visits and courses and through selling sausages, bacon and meat from pigs reared on the farm.

“It would be a massive step backwards in efforts made to connect urban and rural life if this community farm is forced to close.

“I strongly urge those in power and the people of Swansea to do all they can to support this project so that our children and children’s children can continue to learn about the ways of the countryside, food production and sustainable land management and how #FarmingMatters.”

Mark Williams MP said: “The mission of Fforestfach Community Farm is one that should resonate with us all.

“Educating our children about agriculture and farming in Wales, a distinct part of Wales’ history and heritage, is incredibly important. The opportunities available at SCF for training and developing new skills, education, and fun are wonderful and must be preserved and promoted.

“Brexit poses a real risk to the agricultural community and industry in Wales, which is why the Welsh Liberal Democrats are campaigning for Wales and the UK to remain in the single market. I remain deeply concerned about what Brexit holds for Wales, in particular our agricultural community.

“I urge those who have the ability to put this situation right to act now. As Wales’ only city farm, it would be a tragic loss if we were to lose Fforestfach Community Farm.”

Increase in National Insurance Contributions for self-employed is bad news for family farms, FUW says

[caption id="attachment_7783" align="alignleft" width="300"] FUW Managing Director Alan Davies[/caption]

The announcement by Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, that National Insurance Contributions (NIC) will rise for the self-employed by 1% to 10% from April next year and then then rise again to 11% in 2019, has been described as bad news for family farms and those working in the agricultural industry, by the Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW).

The increase, so the FUW says, will hit the low and middle earning self-employed and as the majority of Welsh family farms are classed as such, the measure will do little to support rural businesses.

There are currently 2 types of National Insurance if you’re self-employed:

Class 2 if your profits are £5,965 or more a year
Class 4 if your profits are £8,060 or more a year

Those self-employed currently pay 9% on profits between £8,060 and £43,000 and 2% on profits over £43,000. From next year those making a profit of over £43,000 will still pay 2%.

FUW Managing Director Alan Davies responded to the Spring Budget saying: “Philip Hammond claims that these increases make the system fairer, but I can’t see how increasing tax for those who are making a profit of less than £43,000 is fair. Why is it that tax is being increased for those hard working individuals, some of whom only make a profit just over £8,000, whilst at the same time corporation tax is falling?

“This increase will hit farmers across the UK badly, and that at a time when they are already having to cope with an increase in business rates, which of course is devolved to Wales, but the increase in NIC is not. Add to that the uncertainty around future agricultural support and those making a living from agriculture are not being put in the most favourable financial conditions.”

With regards to business rates, the FUW welcomed the measures the Chancellor announced to help those businesses affected in England and calls on the Welsh Government to use some of the extra £200 million allocated to Wales to offer further support to those businesses, such as livestock markets, who would see their rates spike by 100%.

The changing role of women in farming

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, which is asking people to #BeBoldForChange and calling on the masses to help forge a better working world - a more gender inclusive world, the Farmers’ Union of Wales is exploring what working in the agricultural industry is like for women today. 

We caught up with a few of you, including husband and wife team Geraint and Rachael Davies from Bala, Radnorshire mother and daughter Kath and Fran Shaw, Ceredigion farmer Anwen Hughes and a few other familiar faces in the industry.

[caption id="attachment_7775" align="alignleft" width="225"] Working in partnership are husband and wife team Geraint and Rachael Davies.[/caption]

Speaking about her perception of women in farming, FUW member Rachael Davies, who farms 1200 acres in Bala, Gwynedd, carrying 1000 breeding ewes with 200 replacements and 30 suckler cows, in partnership with her husband Geraint, said: “Farmer’s daughter, farmer’s wife – why can’t women just be farmers in their own right rather than be defined by the nearest man who happens to farm?

“Women’s role within the agricultural industry has definitely changed in the past ten years with women being more openly and publicly involved however, there is still some distance to go. Women have been grafters and decision-makers on family farms for centuries yet in the twenty-first century we are still in the position of having to ‘prove’ ourselves or occasionally becoming pseudo-masculine to do so.”

She adds that one of the most frustrating questions to be asked as a mother of two daughters is “wouldn’t it be nice to have a boy, for the farm!?” But she is determined to get involved, lead by example and highlight that women are just as capable as men within the agricultural industry, both physically and intellectually.

“I urge women to get involved, make things more integrated, let’s encourage, engage – women have the skills that modern farming needs; we are natural multi-taskers, good communicators and used to hard work. More women need to be involved steering the direction of the industry; feeding into stakeholder groups who are still dominated by men, usually of a certain age and demographic,” adds Rachael.

Supporting her views is husband and FUW Meirionnydd County Vice Chairman, Geraint Davies. He said: “Behind every great man there is a greater woman, or so my grandmother has always told me. Until my grandparents retired in 2000 my grandmother kept the farm going through fuel for the men, the kettle was never far off boiling point on the Rayburn and a meal ready on the table.”

He recalls that the farmhouse was her domain and his grandmother was not involved in much of the decision making of the day to day running of the farm. The next generation, his parents, followed a similar suit with his mother being chief cook and bottle-washer but with slightly more involvement in the decision-making but not beyond the kitchen doorstep.

“Rachael started how she meant to go on by farming outside with me as well as making all decisions with me, no matter how small or big. Our business is very much based on partnership but we don’t necessarily always agree. I welcome her views and the challenges to my ideas and it works for our business. Rachael, like many modern farming women juggles employment off farm and family life alongside running the business. I now have two daughters and I see a bright future for them in farming (if they choose). I think farming needs more women involved: I'm fed up dealing with negative old men,” adds Geraint.

But what is it like to be in charge of a farm holding with no men around? We spoke to FUW Brecon and Radnor administrative assistant Kath Shaw, who also farms 80 acres in Radnorshire in partnership with her mother, where they run a herd of red deer.

[caption id="attachment_7776" align="alignright" width="300"] Kath and her mum Fran run the 80 acre deer farm together.[/caption]

Kath completed an HND in Agriculture at Myerscough College and an AND in Deer Management at Sparsholt College and has worked in the deer industry ever since, setting up her own deer herd in 2004. Kath was born and grew up near London and whilst she did not come from a farming background, she was always encouraged to be outside and nurtured a healthy obsession with horses until the age of 16.

“Being a woman in agriculture has advantages and disadvantages. I have experienced low-level sexism in the industry throughout my working life, but have always deflected it with humour and if that hasn’t worked, by confronting the individual concerned.

“On the plus side, being a woman in a male dominated field has made me  more memorable. In the last 10 years farming has changed to become less focussed on brawn as people are more aware of the importance of sensible working practices. This has benefitted everyone as machinery becomes more sophisticated and equipment is developed to help with the heavier jobs. There is always a solution to a problem that doesn’t involve lifting heavy weights by hand!”

Kath also believes that the future of agriculture depends on people working as a team, be they male or female. She added: “Women have always worked in the background on farms. It is often the women who feed and check the stock while their husband goes off to do a day’s work somewhere else and I see no reason why they shouldn’t take a more prominent position on the farm. True, it is not very glamourous and you are unlikely to find a female farmer with a perfect French manicure or the latest designer clothes but the job satisfaction is huge and it’s so much better than sitting in an office, staring at the same 4 walls every day.”

[caption id="attachment_7777" align="alignleft" width="300"] Women also play a supportive role on farm. They offer a shoulder to cry on, an ear that listens.[/caption]

Anwen Hughes, the FUW’s Ceredigion County Chairman and Younger Voice for Farming Committee vice chairman, farms around 138 acres, of which 99 acres are owned, 22.5 acres are on a lifetime farm tenancy and a further 17 acres are rented.

She keeps 100 pedigree Lleyn sheep, 30 purebred Highland sheep and 300 cross bred Lleyn and Highland ewes and has been farming since 1995  at Bryngido farm, just outside of Aberaeron in Ceredigion.

Anwen runs the farm on her own. In the current financial climate the farm business doesn’t make enough money to sustain more than 1 wage, so it’s up to Anwen to take care of the home farm.

She said: “Growing up around men in the agricultural industry I have found that as a woman you have to earn respect and make a man listen. You have to prove and show that you know what you are talking about. That can be quite intimidating at the start but by now I have no problem turning up to a meeting full of men. Money on farms has got tighter, so many farmers are turning to their wives for help on the farm.”

However it’s not all about being tough Anwen says. She thinks that women add a much needed soft touch to an industry that can be harsh and unforgiving in so many ways. “Women also play a supportive role on farm. They offer a shoulder to cry on, an ear that listens and are often in charge of the paperwork too. I think the role of women has changed dramatically over the years, with many of us also having to run the business side of things, look after the children and keep the household going.”

Managing Partner at AgriAdvisor, Dr Nerys Llewelyn Jones said: “In the Welsh agricultural industry the role of women within farming businesses is evident, with men and women working side by side in farming family businesses for decades in a manner to which other industries still aspire.

[caption id="attachment_7778" align="alignright" width="300"] “A sustainable farming industry will need to encourage those with other skills and expertise to work within agriculture”[/caption]

“Were you asked to draw a picture of a farmer, the majority would surely draw a male character with a flat cap, a check shirt and wellingtons. This image is now a stereotype and those of us who have grown up within the industry and who have seen the inner dynamics of how a farming business works know that most major business decisions are decided around the kitchen table with input from all who work within the business, both male and female.

“The perceived barrier of the physical nature of farm work making it more ‘suitable’ for men, is becoming a myth, dispelled further by the increased availability and use of technology and innovation on farms. A sustainable farming industry will need to encourage those with other skills and expertise to work within agriculture and therefore women who may have had to work off-farm to supplement incomes will be in an excellent position to bring those additional skills to the farming table.”

[caption id="attachment_7779" align="alignleft" width="270"] “Things have changed, we have achieved the roles we hold due to our ability, our focus and drive.”[/caption]

Alison Harvey, Agriculture Manager for Lamb at Dunbia, said: “I don’t feel as though I have to ‘deal’ with being a woman in the farming industry.  This time has passed in Wales, we have moved on. Things have changed, we have achieved the roles we hold due to our ability, our focus and drive.

“My role means I work with farmers and retailers and I have never felt that being a women has either helped or hindered what I do.  You have to work to gain experience and knowledge, and with this, people will respect you more – but this is about age and experience rather than being a woman.

“Women have been a vital role in farming for a lot longer than I have been around, it doesn’t matter what the role has been on the farm, and the fact is that women have always been important to agriculture. The best businesses I have come across have been partnerships, each knowing their strengths and weaknesses and working together to get the best from one another.”

The main change Alison thinks, and not just for women in agriculture, has been education. “Women have gone to University, or college, or to work in another business, and they have brought what they have learnt back to the business at home, or developed careers in particular areas.  This is where I see most potential for agriculture, getting new skills into the business. As a result of their education women have more prominent roles in agriculture, we see women in roles that have traditionally had men in them.  It is equality and balance that seems to work best, not one sex overpowering another, this is what we should aim for.”

RABI Wales Regional Manager Linda Jones said: “Many more women are embracing the opportunities available to them in farming than a decade ago. Farming has been traditionally viewed as a male-dominated industry but increasingly, women are choosing to immerse themselves fully in the farm business rather than settling for the roles of chief cook, bottle-washer and VAT returns person.

[caption id="attachment_7780" align="alignright" width="233"] “Many more women are embracing the opportunities available to them in farming than a decade ago.”[/caption]

“Women realise the importance of acquiring new knowledge, keeping up with technology and ‘up-skilling’ and are adept at finding new ways and opportunities to make money for the business.  Diversification is another key area where women can excel.  Their ability to think outside the box and not rely on traditional ideas can be inspiring.

“Women are the driving force behind many successful farming businesses, but their significant contribution is not always readily acknowledged outside the four walls of the home.  Pride is such a major issue in the farming industry and I see this with my work for the farming charity, the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (R.A.B.I). Pride prevents many farming people who are struggling financially from picking up the telephone and calling our Freephone helpline 0808 281 9490. Our work is strictly confidential but very often it is the woman of the farm who has the courage and strength to call the helpline and ask for help.”

Why not give this hearty dish a go

Traditional Winter Welsh Beef Stew with Herbs & Horseradish and Parsley Dumplings


  • 450g (1 lb) Lean Welsh beef braising cubes
  • 15ml (1 tbsp) Oil
  • 6 Shallots, peeled and halved
  • 2 Cloves garlic, squashed
  • 1 Leek, roughly sliced
  • 2 Celery sticks, cut into chunks
  • 2 Carrots, peeled and cut into chunks
  • 2 Turnips, peeled and cut into chunks
  • Sprigs of fresh parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
  • 300ml (½ pt) Beef stock
  • 300ml (½ pt) Ale
  • 100g (4 oz) Self-raising flour
  • 50g (2 oz) Suet
  • 45ml (3 tbsp) Fresh parsley, chopped
  • 30ml (2 tbsp)Horseradish sauce
  • Cold water to mix


  1. Preheat oven to gas mark 4, 180°C, 350°F.
  2. Heat oil in a large ovenproof pan or casserole pot. Add the beef cubes and brown on all sides.
  3. Add the shallots and garlic and continue to cook for 1-2 mins. Add all remaining ingredients and bring to the boil, cover with lid or foil. Cook in preheated oven for 1½ hours.
  4. In a bowl mix together the flour, suet and parsley. Add the horseradish sauce and a few spoonfuls of cold water and mix together with a spoon. Using your hands press the mixture together to form a ball. Break off small pieces of the pastry and roll in your hands to form a small ball / dumpling (the mixture should make about 10-12 small dumplings).
  5. Remove stew after 1½ hours, remove lid and drop the dumplings into the stew. Return to the oven for a further 30 mins until the dumplings are fluffy but golden.
  6. Serve in bowls with dumplings and extra steamed seasonal green vegetables.

