If you have any issues logging on or other issues with the site, please fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you are waiting for a password reset email, please ensure you have checked your junk email folder before putting in a support request. 

If you are unable to log into the members section of the FUW website please follow the following steps. 

Go to the login page - https://www.fuw.org.uk/en/login

If you need a reminder of your username, select that option below the login boxes.

You will then see the following screen:

Enter your email address and click submit. At this stage, you will need to check your inbox
(and perhaps your spam folder if you cannot see the message there). The following message should appear.

You can then copy and paste your username into the username box in the login screen on the website.

If you need a reminder of your password, select that option under the login boxes

You will need to use your email address to retrieve both the username and the password.
Enter your email address in the box provided.

Go to your email account and check your email. The email should appear in your inbox very quickly but check
your spam if you don’t receive it.

You will receive an email with a verification code and a link

Copy the code to your clipboard or click the link in the email. If you click the link, the code will be entered for
you, but you will need to type your username into the relevant box.

Once you have entered the correct username and verification code, press submit.

You will then be asked to enter a new password. Once you have chosen your new password, click submit.

Once your new password has been accepted, you will be taken back to the login screen, where you will
need to enter your username and new password.