Water Resources ‘NVZ’ Regulations still apply despite review

The FUW is reminding its members that the Water Resources (Control of Agricultural Pollution) (Wales) regulations still apply despite the ongoing Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Senedd Committee inquiry.

The FUW responded to the Committee inquiry with written evidence in September which can be viewed here.

The Welsh Government has also published an Excel Farm Workbook which can be used (although not compulsory) to help with completing the calculations.

As a reminder, the regulations that came into effect on 1st April 2021 are below:

Spreading fertiliser
(Regs 12, 13 & 14)

Farmers will be required to conduct a field inspection to consider the following:

  • the risk of surface water pollution
  • fertiliser must not be spread on land if there is a significant risk of pollution considering the slope, especially if steeper than 12°; consideration should be given to the proximity of surface water; the weather conditions; the soil type; and the presence of land drains.
  • fertiliser must not be spread if the soil is waterlogged, flooded or snow covered, is frozen or has been frozen for more than 12 hours in the previous 24 hours
  • manufactured nitrogen fertiliser must not be spread within 2 metres of surface water
  • organic manure must not be spread within 50 metres of a borehole, spring or well or 10 metres of surface water (6m if precision spreading)

Soil management of added organic matter
(Reg 16)

Poultry manure, slurry and liquid digested sewage sludge applied onto the surface of bare soil must be incorporated within 24 hours, unless applied using precision equipment.

Any other organic manure must be incorporated into the soil as soon as practicable, and within 24 hours at the latest, if the land is within 50 metres of surface water and slopes in such a way that there may be run-off to that water.

Manufactured fertiliser
(Reg 22 & Schedule 4)

Manufactured nitrogen fertiliser must not be spread on grassland, from 15th September to 15th January, or tillage land, from 1st September to 15th January other than up to the maximum rate for crops in the table below. For crops not in the table, spreading is permitted on the basis of written advice from a person who is a member of the Fertiliser Advisers Certification and Training Scheme.

Crop Maximum nitrogen rate (kg/hectare) / Crop Maximum nitrogen rate (kg/hectare)

Oilseed rape, winter(a) 30
Asparagus 50
Brassica(b) 100
Grass(a)(c) 80
Overwintered salad onions 40
Parsley 40
Bulb onions 40

(a) N must not be spread on crops after 31 Oct
(b) An additional 50 kg N/ha may be spread every four weeks during the closed period up to the end of harvest
(c) A maximum of 40 kg N/ha may be spread at any one time

SSAFO & 1991 exemption
(Regs 24 & 32)

Silage compressed into bales and sealed into impermeable membranes (e.g. big bales) must be stored at least 10 metres from any inland freshwaters
Natural Resources Wales must be notified of the place where the baled silage is to be made or stored on open land at least 14 days before the place is first used
Notices - 14 days’ notice must be issued to NRW prior to construction work of structures being undertaken, as opposed to existing SSAFO Regulation 9, where the regulator must be informed 14 days before the structure is used



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