Emergency Authorisation of Asulam for the 2022 season

An Emergency Authorisation (EA) has been issued to allow Asulox to be used for bracken control in Great Britain and Northern Ireland during the 2022 season from 1st July.

  • To minimise interaction with breeding birds, where feasible, application should take place after 1st August, or as late in July as possible.
  • To protect mammals, application is not allowed where the hazel dormouse is known to breed.
  • Aerial application has been authorised subject to an aerial spraying permit being obtained: the regulator will provide template application forms.
  • Ground-based application has been authorised for conservation areas only, which have a statutory conservation designation.
  • There is no change to the no-spray buffer zones included in previous authorisations.

All end users of Asulam should note a requirement to record how, when and where the Asulam was applied and that all stock should be excluded from treated areas for a month after application to prevent residues from entering the food chain.

Key dates for 2022:

  • 21st June 2022 - Start of the Emergency Authorisation period. Storage, promotion, sales and transfer authorised.
  • 1st July 2022 - Application of Asulam can commence
  • 12th September 2022 - Expiry date for sale and distribution of stocks. Storage can continue or be disposed. No application after the 12th September.
  • 28th October 2022 - Expiry date for storage and disposal.

Online forms for recording and further information can be downloaded at the below link https://www.brackencontrol.co.uk/asulam


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