Project to remember milk stands in Carmarthenshire

A project is taking place in Carmarthenshire this Spring to photograph and map all surviving milk stands in the county. Anthony Rees in collaboration with Carmarthenshire Young Farmers’ Clubs are undertaking the project and are asking for help in the following ways:

  • Any old photos of milk stands, stands being used with churns or lorries or even milk stands in the background of a photo
  • Old film footage of milk stands
  • Stories from farmers, milk lorry drivers or dairy workers
  • Any milk stand or Milk Marketing Board related documents, letters, statements, milk churn labels, they would all be gratefully received into the collection

In 1974, there were around 1,700 dairy farms in Carmarthenshire, with most, it is assumed, using milk stands.

This is an opportunity to be part of history and ensure that the tradition of the milk stands is remembered and preserved forever. There are a number of ways you can contribute:

  • Email Anthony at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your stories and photos.
  • Phone Anthony on 07802 435677 if you’d like more information or to share a story.
  • Drop off photos and materials with members of your local Young Farmers’ Club or the Carmarthenshire Young Farmers’ Office in Carmarthen, or message Anthony who is very happy to collect.
  • Tag #milkstandssirgar on social media