Swansea farming couple raise environmental concerns with local AM

With just three months to go until the UK is expected to leave the European Union - with or without a deal - farmers across the country are getting increasingly concerned about their future as food producers.

But it’s not just Brexit that has them worried. Untimely changes to farming policies, which would make life on farm more difficult and introduce more burdensome regulations, also add to their woes.

Livestock farmers Cheryl and Jeff James of Cefn Eithin Farm, Clydach, Swansea, are concerned about the new agricultural pollution regulations due to be introduced in January 2020 as they will adversely affect their farm. 

The couple who farm suckler cattle and sheep over 345 acres of owned land, fear that unless the introduction of pan-Wales land management regulations are opposed, the impact on farm businesses like theirs would be significant.

Under the new regulations the James’ would not be able to spread slurry according to the weather and ground conditions and would be restricted by calendar dates stipulated in the closed period under the new regulations. This they say, will incur extra feed costs for the livestock as grass growth would be affected .

And when it comes to extra slurry storage to comply with yet more burdensome rules, the family feel they would not be able to justify or afford the investment for all the required storage equipment on the farm.

“What this means for us is that rearing suckler cows will become unaffordable. Welsh Government should be supporting this type of farming. Suckler herds are a really natural way to rear cattle – the calves spend 10 months with their mother at the farm and then two years on the grassland with no routine antibiotic or hormone treatments. What we produce is natural Welsh beef and these regulations will only push the intensive beef farming systems that we don’t want to see,” added Jeff James.

Sustainable Farming and our Land consultation deadline should be delayed FUW urges politicians at Pembrokeshire Show

Farmers’ Union of Wales officials have raised concerns about the timing of the Sustainable Farming and our Land consultation with politicians, including First Minister Mark Drakeford and Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs Lesley Griffiths, at Pembrokeshire Show (Tuesday 13 August).

Having raised concerns since early July regarding the clash between the response deadline (30 October) and the date on which the UK is due to leave the EU (31 October), the FUW had already welcomed a Welsh Government commitment to keep the deadline under review.

However, given the UK Government’s determination to take the UK out of the EU at the end of October, deal or no deal, the Union now believes it is imperative that the deadline be extended.

FUW complaint: Plant-based diet can fight climate change - UN

We have written to BBC Director General Tony Hall to officially complain about the 'Plant-based diet can fight climate change - UN' news item and the news programme associated which was presented on the BBC News on Thursday the 8th August 2019, and was subsequently featured on the BBC’s social media channels. 

The FUW believes that this report, and its associated online content, breached the BBC Charter by failing to comply with those Charter elements pertaining to :

(1) The Independence of the BBC, in terms of “...independent in all matters concerning the fulfilment of its Mission and the promotion of the Public Purpose”

(2) The Public Purposes of the BBC, in terms of providing “...impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them

(3) Acting in the public interest, in terms of ensuring “...that the benefits (whether direct or indirect) of decisions relating to the fulfilment of its Mission and the promotion of the Public Purposes outweigh the costs (whether direct or indirect);...and in doing so, have regard to economic, social and cultural benefits and costs.”

Across the article and associated news programme and its associated content have led the FUW to believe that the BBC utterly failed to comply with section 3.1 of the Charter which states that ‘the BBC must be independent in all matters concerning the fulfilment of its Mission and the Promotion of Public Purposes….’. 

The National Atmospheric Emissions Industry provides UK greenhouse gas inventories by source.  According to this data, UK agriculture emissions totalled 10% of total UK greenhouse gas emissions in 2017.  Emissions from the UK transport, energy supply, business and residential were 27%, 24%, 17% and 17%  respectively. The FUW would therefore seriously dispute the BBC’s claim that agriculture is a ‘major’ factor in global warming. This emissions data is provided in kilotonnes of CO2 equivalent and refers to the basket of Kyoto greenhouse gases; including methane.  

Future of family farms discussed with MP at sheep dog trials

Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW) officials discussed the future of family farms in Wales with Jonathan Edwards MP at the Welsh National Sheep Dog trials in Carmarthenshire, highlighting the grave concerns farmers have in light of Brexit.

Amongst the many #farmingmatters discussed, such NVZ’s, bovine TB and the Welsh Government’s Sustainable Land Management consultation, the FUW reiterated its concerns about a no-deal Brexit.

Speaking after the event, FUW Carmarthenshire CEO David Waters said: “ We made it quite clear that the consequences for Wales' economy of a no-deal Brexit are such that no responsible Government would allow the UK to leave without a deal, and nor would any responsible Parliament agree to this.

“If we are to leave without a deal, the emergency no-deal planning needs to be stepped up - we understand that this is to happen but this in itself highlights the extreme dangers our economy is now facing.”

Vale Show a #farmingmatters success

The Glamorgan team of the Farmers’ Union of Wales enjoyed a successful Vale Show, including many chats about #farmingmatters with politicians and members, a special raffle for the FUW President’s charity - The DPJ Foundation, and a hunt for hand painted FUW rocks around the showground.

FUW Glamorgan CEO Rachel Saunders said: “We had a fantastic show again this year and it was great to catch up with so many members and of course our elected politicians. The raffle was a total success and the children had great fun searching for our hand painted rocks across the showground.

“And whilst we enjoyed the lighter side of being at the show and sharing thoughts over cups of tea, talking to our members really drove home the issues that they are most concerned about such as the future of farming in Wales, NVZ’s, bovine TB, the closure of Cowbridge mart and of course Brexit. 

“We used the opportunity to raise some of those concerns with Jane Hutt AM, Belinda Loveluck-Edwards (Labour Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for the Vale of Glamorgan), David Melding AM and Secretary of State for Wales Alun Cairns as they joined us for #farmingmatters chats here at the show.

#FarmingMatters chats with new Brecon and Radnor MP highlight Brexit concerns

Farmers’ Union of Wales officials met up with newly elected Brecon and Radnor MP Jane Dodds to discuss the most critical #farmingmatters at the county show (Saturday, 3 August). 

Speaking at the show, FUW Vice President Brian Bowen told the MP that the consequences for Wales' economy of a no-deal Brexit are such that no responsible Government would allow the UK to leave without a deal, and nor would any responsible Parliament agree to this.

He said: “Boris Johnson believes the risks of there not being a deal are a million to one and we welcome this optimism but are extremely concerned by the 'do-or-die' rhetoric.

“If we are to leave without a deal, the emergency no-deal planning needs to be stepped up - we understand that this is to happen but this in itself highlights the extreme dangers our economy is now facing. 

“The impact of losing our EU export market in the event of a hard Brexit because of tariffs and other barriers makes even the whole promised £300m look like a drop in the ocean - and we are just one of many industries which are looking at losing billions in the event of a no-deal Brexit. Farmers here in Brecon and Radnorshire are worried about their livelihoods and this fear is becoming all-consuming.


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Ca parte a parteneriatului nostru cu FUW, cazinoul nostru online Ice Casino lansează o serie de jocuri cu tematică agricolă, unde o parte din încasări vor merge în sprijinul agriculturii.