Our Libby’s acting talents!

by Angharad Evans, Welsh Language Communications Officer

Have you ever met Mrs White? Who is Mrs White I hear you ask? Let me explain to you who she is! This is the part that Libby Davies, our Senedd and Parliamentary Affairs Officer, played during the YFC Drama festival recently, and she enjoyed quite a bit of success in doing so!

During recent weeks, Libby has won the title of Brecknock Senior Member of the Year and Best Actress under 28 playing the role of Mrs White in Sennybridge YFC's play 'True Colours'.  Libby has embraced all these opportunities thanks to the YFC organisation.  Libby is a loyal member of Sennybridge YFC and she is the current Secretary of the club. Let's find out more about the importance of the YFC to Libby.


Have you always been interested in acting?

I enjoyed Drama in school and took part in a few school productions. I have also been in YFC productions previously although I never had a speaking part.  I've really enjoyed being a part of the cast and I'm looking forward to doing it all again next year... although I'll probably start learning my lines earlier!


What do you think is the importance of YFC clubs?

YFC clubs are so important! Over lockdown, I realised how much I miss YFC when it's not on. We tried to fill the gap with virtual events but nothing beats getting together in person. YFC provides great social opportunities for young people in rural areas where often there isn't much else to do, but from my experience, Clubs also play a vital role in their wider communities and supporting charities too.


What are the benefits of being a member of a YFC?

The benefits are endless...I've made some of my best friends through YFC, learnt so many new skills and had opportunities I otherwise wouldn't have had. There's something for everyone from cooking to dancing, craft to stock judging, you'll definitely learn something new! I've enjoyed public speaking in particular and would not be doing this job without the skills and knowledge I've gained from YFC. This year I'm also travelling with YFC for the first time which is an opportunity to see a new place and meet new people.


And finally, what would you say to someone who is considering joining the YFC?

Do it! I joined YFC not knowing many people which was a bit scary but I definitely haven't regretted it. Say yes when opportunities come up and don't be afraid to put yourself forward! YFC can offer fantastic opportunities but ultimately it's up to you to take them, so throw yourself into it!

Thank you Libby for sharing her experiences of the YFC with us, and it’s very clear how much she has benefited from being a member, taking advantage of every opportunity that has come her way, enjoying success and being able to use skills in her work every day.

All the best with the YFC in the future Libby, and who knows, maybe there will be an opportunity to meet Mrs White again in the future!

Aiming for a positive way through problems

by Angharad Evans, Welsh Language Communications Officer

It’s hard to believe that we're already in March, and that means that the lambing season has started, and I'm sure that a large number of you, like us here, are in full swing of the busiest periods of the year at the moment. It's quite a challenging time isn't it? Sleep deprivation, long hours of hard work, sometimes battling between life and death in the lambing shed, and challenging weather at times - March slays, April flays! All these things are factors that can lead to a perfect storm to upset a person's mental health.

Although the agricultural industry remains a difficult, challenging and lonely industry to work in, we are slowly breaking the stigma that surrounds mental health. We are extremely fortunate to have the support of a large number of organisations that are available to support and help farmers and the agricultural community in general through difficult times.

Someone very familiar to us here in the Union and who has been helping farmers for many years is Linda Jones.  2023 has started with a new challenge for Linda who started a new job as National Manager (Wales), with The Farming Community Network (FCN).

Cornel Clecs took the opportunity to catch up with Linda recently to see how the new job is going so far. Here is Linda to explain more: "Some of you may have heard by now that I started a new job in January with the charity The Farming Community Network (FCN) as National Manager for Wales," explains Linda. "This position, which is new to FCN, appealed to me because I have the opportunity to specifically manage the support the charity offers to farmers and their families in Wales.

“FCN exists to support everyone involved in agriculture - those who farm, those who work on farms, and those who provide farm services and supplies.

"We aim to help people find a positive way through their problems. Every year in Wales, we help many families with a variety of issues, including financial difficulties, animal diseases, mental health and family disputes.

“FCN has four groups of volunteers based across Wales. Many of them are involved in farming, or have close links to agriculture, and therefore have a great understanding of issues that face farm workers and farming families on a regular basis. Our volunteers provide free confidential, pastoral and practical support to anyone who asks for help. Regardless of whether the matter is personal, or business related.

"Recently, FCN is becoming increasingly involved in proactive work to support the farming community in the hope that people can be helped before they reach crisis point. This includes research, campaigns, developing useful publications, social opportunities, attendance at livestock markets, shows, and other events. 

"It’s hoped that our proactive approach can build resilience and remove health inequalities before problems arise, and create a more resilient, intelligent and supportive industry.
"With farming in Wales facing a number of challenges in the coming years, the workload of FCN volunteers is expected to increase significantly. Of course, personally as a farmer, I’m keen to know more about the payments that will be available to farmers under the new scheme, The Sustainable Farming Scheme. I realise that this new framework is causing concern for many at the moment.

"As well as local groups of volunteers, FCN runs a confidential national helpline (03000 111 999, open from 7am - 11pm every day of the year) and an e-helpline (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Remember that we are here to chat and listen."

I’m sure that FUW staff and members would like to wish Linda well with her new role with the FCN. She certainly has enough experience to ensure that the mental health of Welsh farmers remains at the top of every agenda in the future.

Amaeth yn cael ei adnabod fel y diwydiant perycla ym Mhrydain - sut fedrwn ni wella’r sefyllfa?

gan Alun Edwards, Llysgennad y Bartneriaeth Diogelwch Fferm

Faint ohonoch chi sy’n adnabod rhywun sydd wedi dioddef damwain ar y ffarm? Pob un, fentra i awgrymu, a nifer wedi colli perthynas neu gyfaill. Mae’n digwydd er gwaethaf yr holl gyrsiau hyfforddiant sydd ar gael, yn rhad neu ddigost yn aml, a’r ymdrechion cyson i godi ymwybyddiaeth o’r peryglon sydd ynghlwm a gyrfa amaethyddol.

Felly be nesa? Sut fedrwn ni wella’r sefyllfa ble mae amaeth yn cael ei adnabod fel y diwydiant peryclaf ym Mhrydain? 

Un peth sy’n sicr, mi fydd y dyfodol yn cynnwys mwy o gofnodion. Mi fydd angen asesiad risg cyn dechrau gwaith, a thechnoleg i gofnodi hynny. Pan dwi’n mynd allan i ffilmio ar gyfer Ffermio, mae hynny’n orfodol yn feunyddiol. Mae’n dempled syml, ond mae angen ei ddiweddaru o dro i dro drwy fynychu cwrs, ac ym maes amaeth mae dirfawr angen gwell cyfathrebu a chydymdeimlad o dy’r darparwyr yn y cyd-destun yma.

Mi fydd contractwyr angen cofnod o asesiad risg cyn cynnig gwasanaeth i chi, drwy drafodaeth a falle ymweliad ar ffurf recce. Cost ychwanegol medde chi. Os na fedrwch ei fforddio, fedrwch chi fforddio canlyniad damwain fydd yr ymateb.

Please meet the Korean coffee drink that has taken the internet by storm, dalgona coffee.

Always looking for different ways in how we can support our dairy farmers and enjoy the white gold in a new and exciting way, we have been scouring the internet for ideas and came across a gem! 

Please meet the Korean coffee drink that has taken the internet by storm, dalgona coffee. It is essentially like a cappuccino but upside down. The frothy coffee sits on top and the milk underneath. 

The good thing is, it only requires three ingredients and you can have it hot or cold. What’s not to love? 

“Rwy’n dwlu byw ar y fferm!”

Ydw! Mi rydw i yn un o’r miloedd o bobl sy’n treulio awr, neu ddwy (neu dair…) ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol bod dydd!  Erbyn hyn pwrpas y cyfryngau cymdeithasol yw rhannu, dysgu, rhyngweithio a marchnata.  Ond i chi a fi, ei brif bwrpas yw cadw mewn cysylltiad gyda phobl.

Wrth edrych drwy un o’r sianelau sbel nôl, mi ddes i ar draws rhywbeth diddorol sydd wedi sbarduno’r Cornel Clecs diweddaraf yma.  Roedd yr erthygl, gan y Faithful Farming Family, yn canolbwyntio ar blant sy’n cael eu geni a’u magu ar fferm, a’r rhinweddau unigryw sy’n perthyn iddynt.

A dyma fi’n dechrau meddwl am hyn, ac wrth gwrs, mae’r esiampl berffaith o dan fy nhrwyn, Ladi Fach Tŷ Ni, sydd ag amaethyddiaeth yn rhedeg yn gryf trwy’i gwythiennau, a hynny o oedran ifanc iawn.  Felly pam bod plant fferm mor unigryw? Y peth pwysicaf yw bod y gwersi maent yn dysgu ar y fferm yn datblygu plant i fod yn oedolion anhygoel.

Pan fydd plentyn yn tyfu lan ar fferm, maent yn dysgu am ethneg gwaith. Mae gan bawb ei gyfrifoldeb ac amser penodol i gyflawni tasgu mewn modd effeithiol. Maent wedi dysgu o’i rhieni, a’r teulu estynedig, o doriad gwawr, i fachlud haul, a hynny heb gwyno oherwydd dyma’r unig ffordd o fyw sydd iddynt.

Mae plentyn yn dysgu am fywyd a marwolaeth o oedran ifanc iawn.  Gwylio oen bach yn cymryd ei gamau bregus cyntaf, a gweld y siom pan na fydd yr un oen yn goroesi am ba bynnag rheswm.  Mae colli un o’r anifeiliaid anwes yn brofiad amrwd iawn, ond buan iawn daw gobaith newydd yn y gwanwyn gyda’r holl fywyd newydd ar y fferm.

Mae’n bwysig dysgu am aberthau.  Yn aml iawn does dim llawer o gyfle i gael diwrnodau allan yn ystod gwyliau hanner tymor y gwanwyn gan fod angen gwylio’r wyna a’r lloia 24/7. Mae babis yr haf yn aml yn gorfod aberthu dathliadau pen-blwydd oherwydd bod angen gwneud y cynhaeaf.  Mae’n bosib bod y tadau sy’n godro yn gorfod colli dechrau cyngherddau ysgol gan fod nhw, yn aml, dechrau’n gynnar.  Mae’n rhaid i’r teulu cyfan aberthu weithiau.

Mae dychymyg byw gan blant y fferm.  Treulio oriau tu allan yn creu ac yn adeiladu campwaith allan o ddeunyddiau sbâr, a nabod clos y fferm fel cefn eu llaw.  Allan drwy’r dydd, bob dydd, ac yn sbario hanner awr brin i fynd mewn i’r tŷ i gael bwyd.

Oes, mae gan Ladi Fach Tŷ Ni agwedd iach tuag at waith, weithiau wedi gorfod dysgu colli’r oen bach swci oedd mor annwyl iddi, wedi gorfod aberthu rhywbeth rhywbryd - ond does dim ots yn y byd – mi ddaw cyfle eto, ac yn sicr, mae’r dychymyg yn fyw iawn!  Rwy’n teimlo’n ffodus iawn, mae dyma ffordd o fyw ein plentyn ni.  Efallai na fydd ganddi ffortiwn yn y banc, ond mi fydd ganddi, gobeithio, y rhinweddau pwysicaf mewn bywyd, a hynny diolch i’r fferm.

I gloi, holais i Ladi Fach Tŷ Ni, yw hi’n hoffi bod yn ferch fferm, a dyma’r ateb:-

“Ydw, ni fydden yn dewis unrhyw fywyd arall, rwy’n dwlu byw ar fferm, mae’n ffordd o fyw!”