Coronavirus Update

FUW Ltd have adapted their working processes in order to carry on with the same level of service and assistance to customers and members.

The biggest difference is that customers and members won’t be hosted in county offices until further notice. All services and assistance will be delivered by staff on email, phone, Skype and Google Hangouts.

Staff have been given the option of working from home - but contact details remain the same.

Where face-to-face meetings are felt to be essential, there will be strict biosecurity steps to follow. However, face-to-face meetings should be avoided except in emergencies.

Our priority is, as always, to continue to provide all services expected by members and customers, while following NHS and Government guidelines.


SAF Concessions

Given the importance of completing and submitting SAF/IACS forms at this time of year, we have held emergency discussions with Welsh Government and others about the need to extend the SAF deadline and recognise the exceptional circumstances now facing the industry.

As a result, FUW assistance with the completion of SAF forms will now be offered through ‘virtual appointments’ over the phone. Information on SAF forms can be cross-checked during a telephone appointment.

In due course, FUW staff will also be able to submit forms as soon as the necessary disclaimers are in place and following discussions with the Welsh Government and European Commission (which is still responsible for Glastir rules) we expect the 15th May deadline to be extended to 15th June.


FUW Insurance Services

Our priority at all times is to consider the safety and well-being of our colleagues, whilst at the same time acknowledging our commitment and obligations to our members and clients. Our flexible working practices will enable us to do this whilst delivering a business as usual service.

Your Account Executive and support team will be available on their usual contact number or e-mail to ensure FUW Insurance Services Ltd continues to protect you, your business and your assets. In the unfortunate event of needing to make a claim, our team is able to work remotely but will continue to provide the same level of service.


Protecting food production essential

The disruption caused by the coronavirus is likely to last many months, and it is essential that farmers are able to go about their normal business of producing food at such a volatile time - and without the risk of unfair penalties or restrictions.

We have therefore drawn up a list of the varied risks that may affect farmers - from an inability to TB test animals due to vet shortages to restrictions on feed availability in the event of harsh weather late in the season - and are in regular discussions with others, including Welsh Government, as to how such problems might be alleviated.

With some farmers already seeing an impact on their incomes due to the fall in certain types of foodstuff sales - most notably milk sales to coffee shops - and further disruption ahead, we are committed to doing all we can to assist members in the short and medium term, and moves have been taken to ensure all those dealing with lobbying and policy related matters can continue their work from home.


Keeping livestock markets running essential

The FUW has also been in discussions with Welsh livestock auctioneers and Livestock Auctioneers Association (LAA) representatives about the need to keep livestock markets open while also minimising risk.

To this end, many livestock marts have already closed cafes to reduce contact between people, but it is clear that if risks are to be minimised, and government forced market closures avoided, only those who are buying and selling livestock should attend markets, and should act responsibly when doing so.

The FUW has made it clear that compared to the risk of seeing marts closed down altogether, it would be preferable to only allow buyers to be present at ring or pen-side auctions, meaning sellers would only be able to deliver stock to markets.

Whatever the solution, we cannot see the essential role played by livestock markets in our livestock supply chains undermined.


Virus puts focus on long term food security

While we must all remain calm and act responsibly to minimise transmission of the coronavirus in the coming months, the panic buying, empty shelves and supermarket rationing of certain foodstuffs sends out a clear message about the need to protect our food security in the long term.

It’s ironic, therefore, that only a month ago leaked emails written by top UK Treasury adviser Dr Tim Leunig claimed that farmers were not needed in the UK, that the food sector is not 'critically important' to the UK’s economy, and that agriculture and fishery production 'certainly isn't'.

According to news reports, Dr Leunig is a long-standing colleague of chief adviser to Number 10 Dominic Cummings, and his comments demonstrate the type of post-Brexit future being considered within Boris Johnson's inner circle.

In recent weeks, the FUW has laid out in no uncertain terms the dangers of such a disastrously short-sighted view, in written and oral evidence to committees in both the House of Commons and Welsh Assembly on the new UK Agriculture Bill - highlighting the dangers of trade deals which undermine UK standards and farmers while throwing caution to the wind when it comes to our food security.

And in response to a suggestion in the Bill that assessments of UK food security need only take place every five years, the FUW pointed out that the 2007-8 global food shortages developed extremely rapidly - just as the coronavirus has rapidly disrupted global supplies within just a few months.

On the 12th March, Westminster’s Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee responded by tabling an amendment to the Agriculture Bill calling on the UK Government to enshrine commitments to upholding food standards in law - a move which would also protect UK food security.

Similarly, the FUW recently responded to a UK Government consultation on proposed reductions to import tariffs, highlighting the degree to which this would threaten UK producers and UK food security by opening the door to further imports, while also undermining the UK’s negotiating position in forthcoming trade talks.

Whether the UK Government decides to change what currently appears to be an unsympathetic position on protecting UK producers and food security remains to be seen, but the current coronavirus crisis and empty shelves should come as a massive shot across the bow to those who want a future where much more of our food is imported from countries which may suddenly decide to ‘turn-off-the-tap’ at a time when we desperately need food.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact your county office.

We will keep updating the website with the latest news as well as directly through emails, text messages and Y Tir.


Glyn Roberts, FUW President




Independent Non-Executive Director

The Farmers’ Union of Wales was established in 1955 as an unincorporated organisation and has now determined that managing its affairs through a company limited by guarantee is the best way of meeting the growth plans for the future.

As a result, FUW Limited has been established and an initial board appointed by the election of members of the Union. The Board has appointed one independent non-executive director and now wish to appoint a second. This will be for an initial 3-year term.

With an empathy for Wales and farming, but not necessarily a farming background, we would expect that successful applicants would have a successful business background, possibly with a legal, corporate governance or financial focus. 

The FUW works bilingually, therefore the ability to speak Welsh would be an advantage but it is not essential as all board meetings are currently conducted in English.


The position is remunerated and all reasonable expenses will be reimbursed

Time Commitment

Board meetings will generally be held monthly in our head office near Aberystwyth with occasional telephone meetings taking place where appropriate.

Application Process

An informal discussion about the role can be arranged by contacting the Managing Director via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).

Applications should be made by forwarding a CV and introductory letter to the Managing Director before 19 May 2018.





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