Farmers in Wales proud of their high quality and nutritious products - FUW tells Welsh Government

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has responded to the Welsh Government's consultation on ‘Healthy Food Environment - Exploring proposals to make the food environment in Wales healthier’, stressing that farmers are proud of the high quality food they produce.

Responding to the consultation, the Union stressed that it is broadly supportive of the themes identified in the consultation to encourage healthier shopping baskets, healthier eating out of homes and healthier local food environments, therefore making ‘the healthy choice the easy choice’.

FUW members are proud of the high quality Welsh farm products they produce for Wales’ local population and further afield. The FUW wants to see continued promotion of the high environmental and animal welfare standards farmers all have to and want to adhere to alongside the high nutritional value of Welsh produce within a healthy, balanced and sustainably produced food environment.

The FUW was also broadly supportive of focusing efforts on high sugar products to tackle obesity.

There are a number of concerns for FUW members within the proposals, particularly in regards to how high in fat, sugar or salt (‘HFSS’) products are determined and categorised, and their subsequent price promotion limitations.

For example, yoghurts are listed in the 'Categories that are of most concern for childhood obesity' and Dairy Desserts are also a focus of the calorie and sugar reduction programme. However, calcium is vital for growing children, therefore categorising yoghurts as proposed could lead to unintended consequences.

Dairy provides a wide range of nutrients including potassium and phosphates. Regarding heart and circulatory health, despite their saturated fat content, dairy foods like milk, cheese and yoghurt have a neutral or even positive effect. They could also help reduce risk of type 2 diabetes and blood pressure according to the British Heart Foundation. Therefore care should be taken in categorising dairy products within the HFSS category.

In its response the Union also addressed the fact that meat pastries and meat ready meals are also listed under the calorie reduction programme.

Whilst the Eatwell Guide recommendations, which have been used as evidence for the proposals, recognises the role lean red meat plays in a balanced diet, it also recommends eating less red meat. The FUW would argue that the suggested health benefits would surely depend on what red meat is replaced with.

Caution is needed as calories are not created equally, therefore the FUW does not believe that restrictions should apply to lean red meat or dairy products.

Simplifying these foods down to simple calorie counts does not take into account their high nutritional value, long lasting energy provision and proteins which make people feel ‘full’ for longer, in comparison to the high sugar products they are classified with.