FUW Warning Over Acorn Poisoning Risk


The FUW is warning its membership to be aware of acorn poisoning in sheep and cattle following several reports of recent stock losses.

According to NADIS, acorn poisoning is one of the most common causes of plant poisoning amongst cattle and sheep.  The problem can be exacerbated as the poorer autumn weather continues and stronger winds and gales are forecast. 

Clinical signs include depression, rapid weight loss, tiredness, vomiting and diarrhoea. If eaten in sufficient quantities, acorns  can cause birth defects in pregnant cattle. The tannins in acorns are known to damage the kidneys, and the majority of deaths associated with acorn poisoning are due to kidney failure. 

Prognosis for acorn poisoning is generally poor and treatment costs are generally prohibitive.  Anticipating outbreaks by fencing off oak trees and removing cattle from pasture with acorns following heavy storms or heavy acorn falls remain the best course of action to avoid losses caused by poisoning.

Where poisoning is suspected, animals should be removed from the source as soon as possible and veterinary advice sought.