EID Cymru Multispecies System update

Bringing together separate systems for cattle, sheep and pigs the Welsh Government is expanding EID Cymru into Wales’ first multispecies traceability system. The announcement to create a single multispecies traceability system was made in December 2018 but due to complexities and outside dependencies there have been delays in progressing the project.  

A progress report has recently been published on the Welsh Government website on the development of EID Cymru into the new multispecies traceability system.

Phase 1 of the development was to update the Sheep, Goat and Deer system which was completed in November 2021. Phase 2 is underway and is developing the EID Cymru system to incorporate all cattle registration and movement reporting. There will be a transition from BCMS and CTS to EIDCymru for all Welsh keepers and premises. This is expected to be rolled out by the end of 2023.

Phase 3 will follow the completion of phase 2 and will incorporate the reporting of all pig movements.

Updates on progress will be provided in the Welsh Government’s Gwlad newsletter.