Avian Influenza update

An all-Wales Avian Influenza Prevention Zone has been declared by the Welsh Government from the 17th October 2022. The Prevention Zone applies to the whole of Wales. It will require all bird keepers to adhere to certain biosecurity measures, as set out in the declaration. 

Biosecurity measures in the declaration include:

  • precautions are taken to avoid the direct or indirect transfer of virus contamination into and between premises, from anything liable to spread infection such as clothing, and by cleansing and disinfection of equipment, vehicles, and footwear.
  • feed, water and bedding are not exposed to virus contamination, particularly through bird droppings, and stored in a means not accessible to wild birds.
  • records are kept (other than in a zoo) of all vehicles that enter any part of the premises where poultry are kept and of all people who come into any direct contact with the poultry.
  • all reasonable steps are taken to remove from the range area contaminated feathers or faecal material from wild birds that may be present.

Details of all the measures required to adhere to can be found here

Latest cases confirmed in Wales include cases at Buckley, Flintshire on the 7th November and Amlwch, Anglesey on the 23rd October.