£32 million committed to Woodland schemes

The Welsh Government has announced that £32 million will be allocated to woodland schemes over the next 3 years.

The three schemes will be:-

Small Grants - Woodland Creation Scheme

This scheme has been developed as a quick and easy process for farmers and landowners wishing to plant less than 2 hectares of trees on land which is: 

  • agriculturally improved, or 
  • of low environmental value 
  • the minimum area of new planting to be eligible for Small Grants – Woodland Creation support is 0.1ha
  • the maximum total area per application is 1.99ha of planting which can be comprised of blocks of trees with a minimum area of 0.1ha

Key features include: 

  • no need for a verified woodland creation plan. 
  • no loss of Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) 
  • fencing at an increased rate of £5.56/metre 
  • 12 years of maintenance and premium payments 

Funding can cover: 

  • tree planting, fencing and gates  
  • planting for shelterwoods, alongside watercourses and in field 

corners/small fields 

  • planting for various uses, for example stock shelter, biodiversity and wood-fuel 
  • There will be several windows through the year

For small areas of tree planting under 2 hectares. Check the Small Grants – Woodland Creation Woodland Opportunities map to see if your proposed area is eligible

The Expression of Interest (EOI) window will be open from 13th February - 24th March 2023. A second window will be open from 22nd May - 21st August 2023.

For more information: www.gov.wales/small-grants-woodland-creation

Woodland Creation Planning Scheme 

To support landowners looking to create areas of woodland, and who may want to apply for funding, the Welsh Government has set up the Woodland Creation Planning scheme. 

This scheme provides funding of between £1,000 and £5,000 for: 

  • professional advice from a Registered Woodland Planner 
  • development of a woodland creation plan which is UK Forestry Standard  compliant 

The window for applications will open on 28th February 2023.The scheme will be open throughout the year (subject to budget) with applications selected every 6 weeks. Funding for woodland creation will be available, subject to budget, with windows opening every 3 months from then onwards.

For more information: www.gov.wales/woodland-creation-plan-scheme 


Woodland Creation Grant 

For those interested in creating larger areas of woodland. 

This scheme offers funding for: 

  • tree planting, fencing and gates 
  • fencing at an increased rate of £5.56/metre 
  • maintenance and premium payments for 12 years 
  • no loss of the Basic Payment Scheme 

Funding is available for a Woodland Creation Plan which is required in advance of submitting an application through the Woodland Creation Planning Scheme.

Expression of interest window: 13th February - 24th March 2023.

A further window for applications will open on 22 May and close on 21st August 2023.

For more information: www.gov.wales/woodland-creation-grant