FUW discusses importance of exports markets with DEFRA Minister at Winter Fair

Farmers’ Union of Wales officials have discussed the importance of maintaining and establishing favourable export markets for Welsh red meat with Defra Minister Mark Spencer at the Royal Welsh Winter Fair, stressing that good relations must be restored with our nearest neighbours.

The FUW welcomed the opportunity to discuss the importance of favourable export markets and trade deals with the Minister.

The UK Government has been pursuing liberal trade deals that its own figures show will undermine UK food security. These deals have been shown to have negligible benefits for the UK’s economy whilst opening up UK markets to products that do not meet the same standards. The UK Government needs to focus on trade policies that place UK food security and producers at the top of their agenda.

The FUW also highlighted members' concerns that the UK Government’s Northern Ireland Protocol Bill would break International Law and threaten its relationship with crucial EU markets secured with the Trade and Cooperation Agreement.

The UK Government should seek to have a much better working relationship with the EU in order to protect UK food exports and food security and halt all unilateral actions in relation to the Northern Ireland Protocol.