Free BVD Testing Ends

The free BVD screening and PI hunts offered through the voluntary Gwaredu BVD programme ended on the 31st december 2022.  Over 9300 (85%) of cattle farms in Wales participated in this 5 year programme.

From the 1st of January 2023, all farmers will have to pay their vets for any BVD testing undertaken. The costs will depend on individual vet practices. The FUW recommends that members continue to screen their herds and, where necessary, conduct a PI hunt and remove any PI animals found in order to maintain any previous inroads made in tackling this significant and costly disease.

Vets can continue to use the Gwaredu BVD submission form where cattle keepers with antibody negative herds wish to receive their Gwaredu BVD certificate.

The Gwaredu BVD team will continue to be available to support farmers with BVD queries until at least 31st March 2023.

The FUW continues to await a decision on the implementation of BVD legislation in Wales.  The Welsh Government recently published the Summary of Responses to the Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) Eradication Scheme consultation which was issued in the summer of 2022. The Welsh Government’s Response to a number of key themes arising from the consultation responses has also been published. The FUW continues to support a mandatory BVD eradication programme in Wales and we will continue to communicate any progress towards legislation as this issue develops.