Agricultural Policy

New NADIS webinars on livestock health

NADIS have produced a new series of free webinars relating to livestock health.

These can be viewed on their website here.

Watch the AHDB seminars during strategic farm week 2020

AHDB are running a number of online seminars during strategic farm week 2020 which will run from 1st to 5th June.

Webinars, discussions and resources will be conducted by industry experts and researchers. The first half of the week will cover harvesting and crop development, moving towards soil management during the latter half.

More information on the events and how to sign up can be found here. All of the resources will be recorded and will be available to watch afterwards.

2020 Blowfly Tracker Launched

A blowfly risk alert has been launched again by NADIS in collaboration with Elanco. The risk alert helps farmers keep up-to-date with the blowfly challenge across the season.

Farmers can report a case of strike on the blowfly tracker to help others be aware of the risk in their local area and across the country. The tracker can be found here.



AHDB planting and variety survey for cereal and oilseed rape growers

The AHDB Planting and Variety Survey is now available to fill in online. The survey provides an estimated area of cereals and oilseed rape that will be harvested across the UK in 2020.

Providing your area harvested in 2019 and estimated harvest area for 2020 will provide an insight into how certain varieties of cereals and rape have coped during the wet winter and autumn of 2019.

The results will be made available on the AHDB website in July.


Expression of Interest Window Dates

Scheme Summary Window Close
SAF Deadline Extension

The SAF deadline has now been extended to 15th June 2020 and all subsequent deadlines which follow will also be extended by a month, including for submitting supporting evidence.

15 June 2020
BPS Greening Requirements

The three crop rule crop diversification requirements for the 2020 BPS year will no longer apply. Seed receipts need not be submitted however Ecological Focus Area requirements remain in place.

The system cannot be changed at this late date to stop warnings appearing on the SAF when the three crop rule is not met - a message will therefore appear and can be ignored.

Glastir Small Grants: Landscape and Pollinators

Due to the covid pandemic, RPW have confirmed that the deadline for Glastir Small Grants: Landscape and Pollinators capital works has been extended to 30 September 2020 so that work can be conducted in September after the hedge cutting closed period.

30 September 2020
Glastir Woodland Creation (GWC)

The 9th Expression of Interest window is now open for the GWC scheme.
The scheme provides financial support for capital works including planting, fencing and in certain circumstances, annual maintenance and premium payments.
You must contact a registered planner to discuss your proposals and they must then complete and submit an EOI on your behalf.
The land put forward to be planted must be registered with the Rural Payment Wales Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) and be under your full management control.
See here for further information and to express an interest.

12 June 2020
Farming Connect Funding for Training Application Window

The next funding application for training are open and will close on 26 June 2020.

Those registering for the first time in order to apply for a funded training course or update their account details should contact Farming Connect before 5pm on 22 June 2020.

26th June 2020
Dŵr Cymru Pesticide Scheme

Dŵr Cymru have relaunched their free and confidential Pesticide Disposal Scheme for farmers, growers, gamekeepers, foresters and land managers to safely dispose of any wanted or out of date pesticides and herbicides.
See here for further information on how to register.
Participants that took part in 2019 can take part again in 2020 and dispose of 30L/Kg of eligible products for free.

Extended to 29 May 2020