A place for the soul to rest

by Angharad Evans, Welsh Editor, Y Tir

A different month, but the same situation. Coronavirus continues to hold its grip on the world as we slowly become more familiar with the new 'normal'. I didn't want to bore you by talking about the virus again this month, but as it’s the only thing currently dominating the world, I quickly realised that nothing else is happening, no gossip!

It’s so easy for everyone to complain about this strange situation, but let’s look at things from a different angle for a moment and look at the positives. It was Mental Health Awareness Week recently, and it's more important than ever to make sure that everyone is fine and that no one is suffering in silence.

As a result of this global pandemic, I have learned something important about myself. There’s no need for a routine. I was so used to life’s daily rituals happening in the natural rhythm. Getting up, going to meet the school bus, going to work, coming home, supper and bed. In the middle of the hustle and bustle it was very difficult to escape the routine. But as the schools closed, I planned some sort of a timetable, so that we could follow some sort of structure at home. But I quickly realised that it wasn't necessary, and impossible to keep living on a farm! Lambing wasn't going to fit in with our schedule! Life has slowed down and nature has had time to breathe, us too - while staying home - a place for the soul to rest!

With the real possibility that our schools may not return to normal in the near future, I’m not too worried that Ladi Fach Tŷ Ni has missed months of education. Quite the opposite actually. Since being home, she has had experiences that would not have been possible when the schools were open. Learning how to pull lambs - a life lesson. How to dose and dag sheep – a Maths lesson. Learning the art of fencing from her father - a Design and Technology lesson. Cooking meals and making my lockdown birthday special by baking and decorating a cake – a Cookery lesson. And, of course, plenty of exercise and keeping fit in lovely fresh air! But the most important lesson is spending precious time as a family. As she approaches the teenage years, she will obviously want to spend less time with us, and we will not have this time again. We’ve had time this year to see the seasons changing, the leaves appearing on the trees, the cuckoo singing, the wild flowers filling our hedgerows, perhaps there was no time to notice before!

No one knows when this strange situation will end, or how life will ultimately look at the other side. But I am confident of one thing, Ladi Fach Tŷ Ni has benefited from all the experiences that have come her way, which will hopefully provide a solid foundation for her skills in the future. Until next time, stay safe everyone!