Looking forward to the return of the shows

by Angharad Evans, Welsh Editor

The brushes, trimming stand and head collars are idle for another year. For the second year running, there are no shows to show off Wales' best stock and the golden opportunity to socialise. But everyone understands the situation and the reasons behind the postponement as Covid continues to cast a shadow on our daily lives. But what is the real impact of losing another season of local shows and the Royal Welsh Show at Builth Wells? 

Cornel Clecs has been asking two people, who are usually found in the middle of the show buzz, about the disappointment of losing another season and what is the future of agricultural shows in Wales?

Firstly, we asked Mared Rand Jones, Head of Operations, RWAS: “The postponement of the Royal Welsh Show for the second year running due to the Covid-19 pandemic is certainly a huge loss to the Society and also to the wider community both financially and socially.  The Show is the highlight of the year for many of us in Wales and beyond, and a shop window for the Welsh agricultural industry. It's a great opportunity for everyone to get together to socialise, enjoy superb Welsh produce, competing and also to see the high quality of stock in the main ring.

“Agricultural Shows are the pinnacle of the summer for many of us and we certainly look forward to when we can attend shows again, whether it's competing, judging, stewarding, the trade stands or attending to enjoy all the activities that shows offer. The past year has been challenging for us all and we are extremely grateful for all your continued support.

“Restarting shows is going to be a challenge but I am confident that the future of Agricultural Shows is secure and will be better than ever when they restart.  Agricultural Shows are the backbone of our communities and a great opportunity to promote our industry. I'm looking forward to seeing the buzz back in the showgrounds again.”

And then, our President Glyn Roberts: “Covid has affected every aspect of life, one of which is having to postpone small Welsh shows, this has had an impact in more than one way.

"A local show is a day for the whole family, an opportunity for the children to compete and play, an opportunity to enjoy the arts, crafts, cooking and garden produce, a chance to admire the farm animals and most importantly an opportunity to socialise. Missing this opportunity has been a blow to many. We hope that towards the end of the Summer we will be able to enjoy some of the small local shows.

“In a broader context the same values ​​apply to our annual pilgrimage to the Royal Welsh Show in Builth Wells, an opportunity to meet friends that we only see annually at Builth Wells and there is certainly a lot to catch up on.

“Another element we miss from not hosting the Royal Welsh Show is the importance of being a great shop window for the industry to a large audience who attend the Show from the valleys, cities, and beyond Wales.

"I'm sure everyone is looking forward once again to recapturing the buzz of the Shows and gaining strength and fun of being in each other's company."

Where there is a place for talent

There is a place to make lifelong friends.

(Ein Alaw Ni, Ruth Owen)

Thank you Mared and Glyn for their views, and one thing is for sure, everyone is eagerly waiting for the shows to resume again. Hopefully there is hope in sight for our shows. Onwards and upwards in 2022!