FUW Anglesey hold information evening for farmers

The Anglesey branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales is holding an information evening for farmers to discuss bovine TB, animal movements and rural crime.

The event will be held on Tuesday December 12 in the Pavillion on the Anglesey County Showground, commencing at 7.30pm.

The 3 guest speakers on the night include Steve Seagar from APHA and Janet Phillips WG who will both give talks on TB related issues and animal movements.  

In addition, a presentation will be given by PC Rhys Evans, Anglesey Rural Crime Officer, to update members on crime incidences over the last year within the locality of Anglesey.

FUW Anglesey CEO Heidi Williams said: “This promises to be a great evening, where we will discuss the most important #FarmingMatters. Everyone is welcome and I look forward to seeing many of you there.”

There will be festive food and drinks to follow meeting.  

Please confirm your attendance by phoning the Llangefni FUW Office on 01248 750250 or text Heidi Williams on 077255 16949.