Carmarthen farmers showcase quality food on offer for breakfast

Jonathan Edwards MP joins the FUW’s farmhouse breakfast

Carmarthen farmers showcased the quality food on offer for breakfast during the Farmers’ Union of Wales’ farmhouse breakfast week and raised £550 for the FUW President’s charities - Alzheimer’s Society Cymru and The Farming Community Network.

The first breakfast was held at Llanarthne Hall with a Burns tartan theme, and a second breakfast was held at Llanewydd Community Hall, with  Emma and Neil Rose of Rhosyn Farm in charge of cooking up a breakfast storm.

The two breakfasts raised the profile of Welsh produce and helped to highlight the important role the food and drink sector plays in our everyday lives.

Nerys Edwards, the FUW’s Carmarthen County Executive Officer Assistant in charge of organising the breakfast functions, said: “We had a great turn out and lots of support from our members and enjoyed talking to Jonathan Edwards MP about #FarmingMatters and Brexit. A special thank you must also go to the staff and volunteers who helped make these breakfasts such a success.

“And as well as raising a great amount of money for charity, we used the opportunity to show decision makers who joined us at the breakfast table how vital a part farmers play in maintaining our rural communities, sustaining a viable and profitable agricultural sector and of course producing excellent food.”