Don’t miss out on Young People into Agriculture Scheme, FUW reminds

As the Young People into Agriculture Scheme Expression of Interest window opens, the Farmers’ Union of Wales is reminding young farmers interested in participating to submit their applications.

Under the scheme, Welsh Government is offering 150 farmers start-up aid worth £40,000. There is only one application window and expressions of interest must be made before 12 June 2018.

The applications will be scored over nine criteria and ranked in order until the maximum number allowed (150) is reached.

The scheme is only available to those people who are setting up as head of a holding for the first time (by 1 September of the scheme year), or who started as head of a holding for the first time in the 12 months prior to 1 April.

The Welsh Government, as part of a budget agreement with Plaid Cymru, has made £6m available to fund the scheme, which aims to help people develop their leadership skills and prepare their businesses for life outside of the EU.

The scheme is aimed at high-achieving individuals who are under 40 years of age on 1 April and are looking to establish a new business or develop an existing one. Successful applicants will be asked to demonstrate they have the attributes to lead dynamic businesses and drive change in the wider industry.

FUW Younger Voice for Farming Committee chairman Geraint Davies welcomed the news: “The announcement brings exciting opportunities for younger farmers to set up as a head of holding for the first time, to develop their innovation and business resilience or indeed to establish a new business.

“To qualify for the money – which can be used as working capital and will be paid in three instalments up until 31 March 2020 – you will need to meet agreed key performance indicators.

“Applications will initially be scored and ranked according to how they meet the selection criteria and includes the type and structure of the business. Different points will be awarded according to the type of business, business structure, academic qualifications, level of continuing professional development and the strength of the business plan.

“Even though there are some hoops to jump through, it is worth applying if you think you fit the criteria.”

Expressions of interest will be made through RPW Online only and all supporting information must be uploaded when you submit your expression of interest. Failure to do so will mean that your application will not be considered.

For more information, including the guidance notes and  selection criteria see: