FUW’s Louisa takes on Great North Swim for charities

FUW Meirionnydd administration assistant Louisa Moore is taking on a personal challenge on June 10 to raise money for the FUW’s charities - Alzheimer’s Society Cymru and The Farming Community Network (FCN) - swimming a mile in Lake Windermere, as part of the Great North Swim.

Louisa has set herself two targets - to raise £500 for Alzheimer’s Society Cymru and the Farming Community Network and to complete the course in under an hour.

She said: “I’m not an elite swimmer by any means, I completed the mile course in 2016 in 1 hour and 15 seconds and the target this year is to beat that.

“I’ve managed to complete a mile in 40 minutes in the pool during training, but we all know that open water is a completely different scenario!”

So far, Louisa has raised £200 through generous sponsorship during the SAF period. She is keen to raise as much money as possible for the charities, as she has first-hand experience of how debilitating Alzheimer’s is to the sufferer and the family.

“My grandmother passed away in 2003 at the age of 82 from Alzheimer’s. I was a child myself at the time, and it was horrible to see the deterioration of a once incredible mind and it was difficult to see the impact that it had on the family.

“From my work here at the Union, I have also seen how important maintaining one’s mental health is in the agricultural industry. It is important that we raise money for both of these charities to continue the amazing work they do.”

To donate, please go to: For Alzheimer's Society Cymru  www.justgiving.com/louisa-moore3 & for donations to the Farming Community Network: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/louisa-moore4