FUW reminds farmers - keep an eye out for your ‘Preliminary Checks Letter’ 2018

Farmers are being reminded to keep an eye out for a ‘Preliminary Checks Letter’ from the start of June, as Rural Payments Wales will be undertaking initial checks on submitted Single Application Forms to identify any differences between what has been declared compared to their mapping database, and also to check if any of the land that has been declared has been declared by another claimant.


Pembrokeshire County Executive Officer Rebecca Voyle said: “If they do come across any discrepancies during these checks they will issue a ‘Preliminary Checks Letter’, which will be sent in an amber coloured envelope and added to your RPW Online account.


“If you receive such a letter it is essential that you read it and advise RPW of any changes that you may wish to make by June 19 2018. Any replies received after this date cannot be accepted and penalties may be applied.


“However, if you received any assistance during the completion of your SAF it is important that you seek further advice and guidance from the same person before responding.


“If you require any assistance with checking and responding to a letter please get in touch with your local FUW county office, as soon as you receive it.”