FUW’s Louisa conquers Great North Swim for charities

Farmers’ Union of Wales Meirionnydd administration assistant Louisa Moore completed the Great North Swim in June, raising a total of £350 for the Union’s charities - Alzheimer’s Society Cymru and The Farming Community Network.

Swimming a mile in Lake Windermere, Louisa complete the course in just over an hour.

Speaking after the event, she said: “I was quite confident going into the swim. The weather forecast was great, with the exception of a twenty minute downpour when we were warming up.

“I think the swim went quite well, although I did experience quite a bit of cramp after 1200m, which is probably what slowed me down! I’m very happy that I’ve completed the challenge and, although I was absolutely exhausted by the end of it, I am looking forward to taking on another swimming challenge next year.”

FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “I congratulate Louisa on her fantastic effort in not just raising a great amount of money but also for completing the swim. The money raised will directly help the 45,000 people living with dementia in Wales, as well as help the FCN in supporting the farming community throughout Wales.”

Donations can still be made for Louisa’s swim at www.justgiving.com/louisa-moore3 and  www.justgiving.com/louisa-moore4.