Farmers engage in future farm policy discussions at Royal Welsh Show


Farmers from across Wales joined a busy discussion group with Welsh agriculture Minister Lesley Griffiths at a special meeting hosted by the Farmers’ Union of Wales at the Royal Welsh Show (Wednesday, 24 July).

Focusing on the current ‘Sustainable Farming and Our Land’ consultation, which comes to a close at the end of October, members discussed proposals such as future support, the desire of pursuing a single Sustainable Farming Scheme which would be linked to a Sustainable Farming Payment, farmers delivering Public Goods and the possibility of capping and tapering payments.

Speaking after the meeting FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “This is a significant step forward and in essence farmers welcomed the tone of the proposals. However, there are some fundamental differences of opinion. We discussed these in detail with the Minister yesterday and will continue those discussions in the months ahead.

“Welsh Government are now engaging in a positive way and recognise the need to co-design and undertake economic assessments and modelling and that has to be welcomed - all things we have been calling for for the last 3 years.

“Moving the conversation forward, the FUW will arrange meetings across Wales in September to discuss the consultation paper with members and others. 

“I do hope that our members can join us for those and bring their thoughts and suggestions about the future of Welsh farming policy to the discussion table.”