Beware of scams and cold callers, FUW warns members

The Farmers’ Union of Wales is urging members to be aware of scams and cold callers, as recent incidents have seen an increase. 

FUW Carmarthen County Executive Officer David Waters said: “We have received a few reports from members recently that they have been targeted by cold callers and scammers, frequently regarding new utility contracts.

“These phone calls and emails, which often end up with the person agreeing to a new contract, are legally binding in many cases and very difficult to get out of. I urge members to remember that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”

Mr Waters added that farms are being targeted because often individuals are isolated and are viewed as being vulnerable and therefore more likely to fall foul of fraud. A large proportion of fraud crimes involve criminal gangs targeting specific groups, including the agricultural community.

Never make any rushed decisions and don’t feel pressured into making a decision on the spot.  If, for example, a telephone caller is genuine they will allow you time to think about things and for you to be able to call them back later or review their offer in writing.

“The people who carry out these scams are convincing, it is what they do for a day job.  But there is assistance out there from Trading Standards and the police. Please remember that it is important to report scams, no matter how small, so that they can be fully investigated and to ensure that support is given to the individuals concerned,” he added.